To enter the translation session, go to the Translations page of your project, and click on the blue button, which starts a translation session when there are new strings to translate.

This blue button has three states:

  1. Translate - opens translation session
  2. Review - opens review session (read more on reviewing translations)
  3. Smiley face - everything is done, sends you to a list of all translations

Localazy - Start Translation Session

You can also edit a specific translation by clicking on the language name and selecting the string from the table.

Translation Interface #️⃣

Localazy Translation Interface

The translation screen contains everything you need to translate strings and adapts to the type of content you are translating. The translation interface comes with a toolbar in the top part of your screen that displays essential information about the string you are translating and some action buttons.

Localazy Translation Toolbar

Translation Session & Edit #️⃣

You can enter the translation interface in two ways. One of them is called translation session, which starts when you click on the blue “Translate” button in the list of languages or “Start translating” in the context menu, as mentioned above.

During translation session, you are served one key needing translation after another. When you save the translation, you are served the next key. You can also skip translations and go back to those you already saved by using the arrows in the top right corner that are available only in translation session.

Localazy Translation Toolbar - Translation Session

If you want to quickly fix a handful of specific translations, you can go directly to the translation edit screen from the list of translations by clicking on the desired row. You might notice that you can’t cycle through strings that are waiting for translation as in the session and you don’t see the session progress.

Formatting Marks #️⃣

The Formatting Marks toggle replaces invisible characters with visible symbols, aiding in identifying spaces, new lines, and tabs.

  • Spaces are displayed as •,
  • new lines as ↵,
  • and tabs as →.

This utility makes it easier to spot formatting marks in your text, ensuring accuracy during editing and translation.

Localazy - Formatting Marks Toggle

Plain Strings #️⃣

There are three specific types of content to translate: plain strings, plurals and arrays. Translating plain strings is straightforward, you have the Source translation box on the left, where you see the original content in the project’s source language (usually English) and the Translation box on the right is where you can put your translation of the source string.

Localazy translation screen - plain strings

Plurals #️⃣

For plurals, Localazy offers a specific built-in interface with dynamic translation fields. The plural fields are shown automatically based on available plural forms in the particular language following the CLDR specification.

Localazy translation screen - plurals

Tips for an accurate translation

Keep in mind a few important things to provide an accurate translation:

  • Be sure what the plural form means in your language. For example, the “few” form is used in different situations for Arabic and Czech. We provide samples to help you with the correct translation. Also, you can see all supported plurals and some samples in the article: Supported plural types.
  • Context is king. Learn from the context information or ask the developer through comments how and where the string is used to translate it accurately.
  • Keep the correct wording across all forms. Be sure that you use the same wording for all plural forms. When speaking about items, files, notes,, etc., be consistent.

Arrays #️⃣

Localazy also offers a specific type of interface for array translations.

Localazy translation screen - arrays

Placeholders and tags #️⃣

Placeholders are important as they are replaced with the actual variable value in the final product. Be sure to use them correctly and don’t misplace them.

Localazy identifies and highlights these placeholders:

  • HTML/XML tags
  • All placeholders commonly used in i18n libraries
  • ICU placeholders

Localazy Translation screen - placeholders

Tag Collapsing #️⃣

The Tag Collapsing feature enhances readability by collapsing verbose XML or HTML tags into concise placeholders, such as <A>. This visual utility simplifies the view without affecting the translation process or output.

Collapsed tags are automatically reverted to their original form when the translation is saved, ensuring content integrity. Use this feature to manage source texts cluttered with tags, making it easier to focus on the actual text.

Before: Localazy XML/HTML Tag collapsing feature - before state

After: Localazy XML/HTML Tag collapsing feature - after

If you revisit the project later, you may find that a particular tag has been replaced with a different value than you remembered. This happens because tags are replaced in the order in which they are first encountered by your browser in a session. Rest assured that within a single session in your Localazy project, the same values will consistently represent the same tag. This consistency may not last from session to session.

Glossary terms #️⃣

When translating a project with added glossary terms, you may encounter highlighted words or phrases. Hovering with your mouse over the glossary term will display context information.

Localazy translation screen - glossary

Learn how to manage glossary terms.

Context tabs #️⃣

Localazy Suggestions

To make the translation process easier, Localazy offers multiple helping tabs, each one with a different purpose.

  • Suggestions - translations from ShareTM, InTM and supported machine translation engines. The default Localazy Free tier only contains Amazon Translate as the available machine translation engine. Additional machine translation suggestions are available with the Autopilot plan and up.
  • Similar - similar matching translations from the currently translated project to help you with context and consistency.
  • Versions - different versions and interpretations of the translated string.
  • Languages - list of the translated languages and corresponding translated strings in respective languages. Especially helpful when you know more than one language pair and want to check how the string is translated into other languages.
  • Screenshots - list of screenshots related to this translation to help translators with context
  • Comments - a place to add comments when something needs futher explanation

List of translations #️⃣

You can open the list of translations in a particular language by clicking on the language name.

Localazy - List of Translations

Translation states #️⃣

You can filter translations by their state:

  • Approved translation
  • Waiting for review
  • Needs translation

Advanced filters in the top part of your screen allow you to use more detailed filters such as:

  • Missing current version - There is no approved translation available (empty translations)
  • Needs improvement - There is an approved version but it should be improved and translated again
  • Source changed - There is an approved version but the source text has changed after this translation was approved
  • New comments available

Or use the full-text search and look up strings containing specific words or phrases.

Batch operations #️⃣

Localazy Translations List - Batch Operations In the translations list, you can filter and select multiple strings to approve translations waiting for review, send approved translations back for another review round, pre-translate your keys with machine translations, and set “needs improvement” and “source changed” flags as you see fit or delete the current translation altogether.

Review #️⃣

The translations made by contributing users fall into the review, which is the next step before they are ready for publishing. Translations by Owners, Managers, Reviewers, or Trusted Translators skip the review process.

Read more about how Reviewing Translations works