Integrate Localazy OTA updates for Android or iOS and deliver translations seamlessly on all platforms.

How to activate OTA Updates #️⃣

To activate OTA updates, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your project and select the Translation Delivery option in the left menu.
  2. From there, you can select if you’d like to set up CDN or OTA, select OTA.
  3. Click on Activate OTA and add your card.
  4. OTA is enabled, check the status on the next page after you are redirected back from Stripe.

Localazy OTA Updates

How to set up OTA for my platform #️⃣

Android #️⃣

  1. Integrate Localazy with your Android app. Use the Localazy Android library and Gradle plugin.
  2. Enable Online Services in the Marketplace

Recommended reading: Test OTA updates on Android

iOS #️⃣

  1. Use the Localazy Swift SDK to integrate Localazy with your iOS app.
  2. Upload strings via Localazy CLI.
  3. Enable Online Services in the Marketplace

Recommended reading: Swift SDK Usage Guide

Pricing #️⃣

The price for OTA updates feature is calculated daily based on DAU (Daily Active Users) on the given day. When activated, we charge for online services at the end of the billing period or when your current expenses exceed $50.

OTA Pricing Price/Unit
first 1000 DAU $0.0008
next 10k DAU $0.00024
next 100k DAU $0.000072
above $0.0000216

You can always see your current expenses and stats in the Marketplace.