Context Screenshots

Upload screenshots to provide context for your translators. Show them where the string is used to improve the accuracy and quality of their translations.

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Upload screens from your project 🖼️

Upload screenshots of your content in action to help translators with context.

Screenshots serve as an essential preventative measure that you should utilize to achieve the best quality of translations. Link screenshots to multiple source keys and tag them to build your context base.

Link screens with strings via OCR 📸

Link screens with strings via OCR 📸

Save a ton of time by automatically linking screenshots to source keys with optical character recognition.

Localazy can recognize text in the images and suggest the relevant source keys to link if there is a good match. Reduce the time required to find and link source keys and the risk of overlooking relevant source keys to link.

Context Screenshots

The Context Screenshots feature with OCR linking is available in the Professional plan and higher tiers.

Figma Screenshots become available once your organization upgrades to the Autopilot plan.

Learn more about Localazy Pricing

Last updated: 09/05/2024

There are several user permission levels in Localazy. You can manage who has access to which feature by appointing them to a certain role in the project.

To upload screenshots, users must have a Reviewer role. This prevents unwanted clutter or potential spam in the case of public projects.

Last updated: 26/05/2023

What are screenshot tags? Screenshot tags are essentially labels or identifiers that you can attach to your screenshots. They serve as a powerful tool to help you better manage and organize your screenshots.

How do tags help categorize screenshots? Tags can be used to categorize your screenshots based on any criteria that you find useful. For example, you might use tags to group screenshots by:

  • Feature: Group screenshots that pertain to a specific feature of your application. This can be particularly useful when you’re working on a large project with multiple features.

  • Screen: Group screenshots that belong to a specific screen or page of your application. This can help you quickly locate all the screenshots for a particular screen.

  • User Flow: Group screenshots that represent a specific user flow or journey through your application. This can be useful for understanding and visualizing the user experience.

By categorizing your screenshots with tags, you can greatly enhance your ability to organize and search through your screenshots. This can save you time and make your workflow more efficient.

Filtering with Tags: Furthermore, tags can also be used to filter your screenshots, making it easier to focus on specific parts of your project. For example, if you only want to view screenshots for a particular feature, you can filter your screenshots using the relevant tag. This can be particularly useful when you’re working with a large number of screenshots.

Updating and Managing Tags: Managing your screenshot tags is a straightforward process. You can add or remove tags from a screenshot at any time. This means you can easily update your screenshot categorization as your project evolves.

In summary, Screenshot tags are a powerful feature for managing and organizing your screenshots. They allow you to categorize your screenshots, enhance your ability to search through your screenshots, and focus on specific parts of your project. By effectively using screenshot tags, you can streamline your workflow and make your localization project more manageable.

Find out more about Screenshots feature benefits

Last updated: 09/05/2024

Web Upload: The web upload feature is a user-friendly interface provided for uploading screenshots. You can simply drag and drop your screenshot files into the designated area or browse your files to select them. Once the screenshots are uploaded, you can link them to specific phrases in your localization project. This is particularly useful when you want to provide visual context for the phrases being translated. It’s a straightforward process that doesn’t require any technical expertise.

API: For more advanced use cases, we offer a robust API. This allows you to automate the process of uploading and linking screenshots. If you have a large number of screenshots or if you need to integrate this process into your existing development or deployment workflows, the API can be a powerful tool. The API is well-documented and provides flexibility for custom integration. This means you can tailor the API to suit your specific needs, whether you want to automate the upload process, integrate it with your CI/CD pipeline, or build custom features on top of it.

Figma Screenshots: If you’re using Figma for your UI/UX designs, you can take advantage of the our Figma plugin. This plugin allows you to directly upload your screenshots from Figma. It streamlines the process of keeping your designs and localization project in sync. Whenever you update your designs in Figma, you can easily update the corresponding screenshots in your localization project. This ensures that your translators always have the most up-to-date visual context when translating phrases. Find out more about Figma Screenshots feature.

Last updated: 09/05/2024

Update screenshots using the app #️⃣

  1. Enable the screenshot upload feature: Allow the system to auto-process and upload TextNodes.
  2. Select and upload TextNodes: Screenshots of selected TextNodes are auto-uploaded and linked to their source keys.
  3. Capture context: Screenshots include the visual content of their parent FrameNode for context.
  4. Update with design changes: Screenshots update with each design change and content upload.
  5. Upload new design for existing screenshot: Upload a new image file to replace an existing screenshot. The system auto-detects and replaces based on the file name.

For more details, you can read more about Context Screenshots feature

Update screenshots using the API #️⃣

  1. Upload a new screenshot: Make a POST request to the /projects/{projectId}/screenshots endpoint with the image file in the request body.
  2. Update an existing screenshot: Make a POST request to the /projects/{projectId}/screenshots/{screenshotId} endpoint with the updated image file from {screenshotId} in the request body.

Learn more about screenshots updating using the API

Update Screenshots Directly in Localazy #️⃣

  1. Upload screenshots: In the Screenshots section, click Add screenshot or the + icon in the top right corner. You can upload multiple screenshots at once.
  2. Link screenshots to source keys: Link from the screenshot’s detail page, list section, or the Screenshot tab.
  3. Screenshots OCR feature: Automatically recognize text in the images and suggest relevant source keys to link.

Find out more screenshots in our documentation

Last updated: 27/06/2024
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Localazy helps me create a friendly environment for my translation team.

"As the Scaleway dashboard engineering manager, I use Localazy to create a friendly environment for me and my translation team. If I have to recommend a tool to handle translations, I will talk about Localazy for sure!"

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Alexandre Philibeaux Engineering Manager
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Well designed tool with many features!

"We operate multiple complex websites with many languages. Before we switched to Localazy, managing and keeping all dictionaries up-to-date was pure hell. We can now easily review, manage, and keep all dictionaries up-to-date whenever we add or modify any functionality."

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Filip Kotora CTO RAILVIS
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Very powerful translation system with affordable cost!

"We looked for a solution that can cover several use cases across our project, and Localazy is a clear winner. Thanks to CLI tools, git and branching, and features, we could integrate Localazy with GitHub Actions for automated documentation translation delivery."

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Yuriy Andamasov CEO VyOS Inc
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Localazy greatly simplified the translation flow!

"We would recommend Localazy very much, especially for businesses with their own translation teams. It greatly simplified the translation flow."

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Adéla Flejšarová IT Project Manager at Mixit
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Localazy helped us streamline the localization process for 27 languages!

"Localazy has significantly streamlined our localization process, making it more efficient and organized. The ease of collaboration and the clear tracking of translation progress have been instrumental in improving our workflow."

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Manuel Radenkovic Managing Director of Behires Services GmbH
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Our developers love the set-and-forget philosophy of Localazy!

"Localazy is a really user-friendly platform. We enjoy combining our in-house people, automated professional translations, and crowdsourcing the translations from the community in one project without too much management needed to make everything work."

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Lukáš Tóth Product Manager at Rouvy
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Good pricing, good UI and ultimately does its job.

"I'd recommend Localazy to other peers in my industry. It offers good pricing, has a good UI and ultimately does its job. Being able to find missing translations and easily use machine translations is very smart."

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Lasse Melbye CTO & Co-Founder at Customers 1st
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The customer care is awesome!

"Adding Localazy to our workflow was really easy. We appreciate the simplicity, as well as the ability to use keyboard shortcuts to speed things up. And the customer care is awesome, which we love."

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Mário Roženský CEO of SupportBox
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