The option to hide keys entirely is convenient for various reasons, and it was initially designed for keys that are not intended to be translated but are supposed to appear in the output files.

There are several use cases when conditional key hiding is a great idea. Let's go through a few of them:

  • You want to hide keys that need extra checks before they are ready for the translators. Sometimes, you only want to hide specific keys based on certain conditions.
  • You want to hide keys that are not supposed to be translated at all based on certain conditions, such as their key, file, or description (or a mix of all of those parameters).
  • You want to hide keys that, for some reason, need to be included in the output files but contain no user-facing texts - tokens, numbers, or so.
  • You want to hide keys that may have some issues - offensive language or low readability score - so you can check them later. That's possible with our AI-based filtering!

Read the previous articles about Automated Workflows:

⚙️ Setting up the workflow 🔗

Navigate to Workflows in the console and select the project you want to automate.

1. Create the workflow 🔗

Now, create a new workflow.


You can name it as you want; I chose Hide New Keys, so it's descriptive. My new workflow is ready, but it's empty and stopped, let's set it up.

Be sure to enable the workflow as they are, for security reasons, disabled by default. Also, select the desired action, which is "Hide keys".


We want to trigger the event if new keys are added either through CLI or API or manually, so out of the possible Trigger Events, we just need the Key or translation uploaded and the Key created manually.


2. Set up filters 🔗

So far, it was simple. Let's dive into the filters, which is the most exciting part here as it allows you to fine-tune the process. Read more about filters in the docs.

If you want to hide all keys and check every single one before it is available for translation, just go with Apply to all events.

What if I want to have a veto right over product descriptions (stored in products.json), but I want to be sure that the top products will always be translated quickly? It could look like this:


What if you don't want offensive words in your product and simultaneously want your product to have an excellent readability score with a formal tone? You can use our AI-based filters; more on these in the upcoming article, so stay tuned!

By the way, hiding keys allows you to check them before hitting translators. That's awesome, as you have control before the translation process. You can also use very similar AI-based filters for analyzing translations and marking them as needing improvement.

3. Add or upload keys to test it 🔗

And now, you can add or upload keys. They will be automatically processed by the workflow we just created. Simple.

✅ Conclusion 🔗

Hiding keys is a straightforward concept but a powerful feature, and together with automated workflows, it can change how you approach localization.