This feature is available in the Business plan

Language statistics #️⃣

While Localazy itself provides you with useful information on the translation progress, you may need a bit more detailed info - how many words or characters are there for translating or approving. Just navigate to the Languages screen in the Localazy Console and learn detailed statistics about your project.

Not only that you can get a quick glance at the progress and your project size, but there is also additional information about how many duplicates you have and, therefore, how much you could save with our Duplicity Linking feature.

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The languages tab in the Console gives you a consolidated overview of the state of your project’s source keys and translations in the respective languages.

Source language stats show you:

  • How many active keys are in the project
  • How many source keys are hidden or deprecated
  • How many of them are duplicates, and what is the duplicate ratio

For each target language, you can then find out:

  • How many source keys are translated
  • How many translations need review
  • How many translations were approved or unapproved
  • How many translations had their source changed or need improvement

All stats are available in the following units: source key counts, words, or characters.

Reporting #️⃣

Reporting gives you even better insight into the state of your projects from language and contributor perspectives for a given time period.

Reporting data can help you tell, e.g.:

  • How many words have each of my translators translated in the previous month?
  • How many translations in German were reviewed last week?

You can select up to a 90-day period and filter by username or language for a quick access to the views that are important for you.

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