Connected Projects are available in the Professional plan

Shared Translation Memory #️⃣

Translation memory is a database of approved translations in a project. Reusing translations for duplicate terms is a one way of maintatining consistent terminology in your project. With the connected projects feature, you may improve the constitency across multiple projects too.

To activate cross-project translation memory, go to Tools → Connected Projects to begin. Open the TRANSLATION MEMORY tab. You should see the following screen with the configuration.

Localazy Connected Translation Memory Settings

Select a project you would like to connect. Please note that you may connect up to a maximum of 5 projects.

Localazy Shared Translation Memory

Connecting projects translation memories allows you to re-use translations from the other projects via batch translation or as suggestions during translate and review sessions.

Unlike the glossary connection is unidirectional. That means that if connected project B from a project A, project A may use Translation Memory from project B, but project B doesn’t have access to project’s A Translation Memory. In order to create a bidirectional connection, you need to connect each project individually from both project A and project B.

Learn more about Translation Memory and it’s capabilities

Shared Glossary #️⃣

Go to Tools → Connected Projects to begin. Open the GLOSSARY tab. You should see the following screen with the configuration. Localazy Connected Projects Settings

Select a project you would like to connect. Added connections will appear in both project’s connections settings.

Localazy Connected Glossary Terms Settings

Shared Glossary Terms #️⃣

Adding glossary items will also propagate them across all connected projects. Each new glossary in any of the connected projects will automatically propagate to the remaining projects.

Localazy Shared Glossary

The glossary connection is bidirectional and transitive. Meaning that connected projects mutually receive glossary terms from each other. Also, if project A is connected to project B, and B is connected to C, then A will also receive terms from C and vice versa.

Learn more about Glossary and how it works