You can manage plain text files with Localazy which is useful for:

  • App Store description
  • Play Store description
  • marketing texts
  • release notes
  • README files
  • manuals and documentation
  • etc.

Encoding #️⃣

The default encoding is auto. You can change it by including encoding={encoding} in the upload section. Available options are: utf8, utf16, utf16le, utf16be, ansi.

If you need BOM (byte order mark) to be exported in the output file, please add add_bom to features in the upload section.

Storage format #️⃣

In Localazy, the file is stored as a file with a single key content.

PRO Tip #️⃣

With support for plain text files in Localazy, you can use fastlane to automate the deployment of the localized version of App Store descriptions.