TIP: If you wish to add source keys, use the Import endpoint.

Delete source key #️⃣

[DELETE] /projects/{projectId}/keys/{keyId}
Description Value
Accessible with project token true
Accessible with organization token true
Need write permission true
Available from role manager
API level normal

Remove source key from a project.


  • {projectId} - Your project id or slug. Use the value from projects endpoint.
  • {keyId} - ID of the key you’d like to remove.

Sample Request #️⃣

curl --request DELETE \
  --url https://api.localazy.com/projects/{projectId}/keys/{keyId} \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}'

Sample Response #️⃣

  "result": true

Update source key #️⃣

[PUT] /projects/{projectId}/keys/{keyId}
Description Value
Accessible with project token true
Accessible with organization token true
Need write permission true
Available from role manager
API level normal

Update source key properties (one of hidden, deprecated, character limit and comment for translators) for a key.


  • {projectId} - Your project id or slug. Use the value from projects endpoint.
  • {keyId} - ID of the key you’d like to modify.

Sample Request #️⃣

curl --request PUT \
  --url https://api.localazy.com/projects/{projectId}/keys/{keyId} \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "deprecated": 37,
  "hidden": true,
  "comment": "Custom comment for the translator",
  "limit": 100

Request Object

Field Description
deprecated Set to 0 or greater to mark the key as deprecated in the corresponding version; set to -1 to mark the key as not deprecated.
hidden Set to true to mark the key as hidden for translation in Localazy.
comment Provide custom comment for translators.
limit Change the limit of translation length or set to -1 to disable it.

All fields are optional and if omitted, the corresponding property is left unchanged.

Sample Response #️⃣

  "result": true