CDN - Content Delivery Network

A network of computers interconnected via the Internet to make data more accessible to users worldwide.

A Content Delivery Network, or CDN, is a network of computers interconnected via the Internet to make data (usually large multimedia content) more accessible to users. Another name for CDN is Content Distribution Network.

Such a network consists of the following:

  • a source server that provides the content to the CDN
  • elements located in different parts of the Internet infrastructure where the content is replicated
  • a routing system that ensures that content is delivered to the user from the geographically closest node in the network

Individual CDN nodes are typically connected to a fast Internet backbone. Their number varies according to the chosen architecture and can reach up to several thousand nodes with tens of thousands of servers. Optimization through CDN results in lower hosting prices, faster sites, and increased resilience against traffic bursts on the served site.

There are several types of networks, but mostly, you will encounter the following two types:

  • CDN cache for downloading data
  • CDNs optimized for streaming audiovisual content

Some popular CDN providers:

  • Cloudflare
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • CDN77

Customers of Localazy can use the Localazy CDN built on top of Amazon Web Services architecture to deliver translation files directly to their users across the globe.

Learn more about Localazy Language CDN