Our language CDN allows you to download translated files directly from multiple data centers located all over the world to ensure your users get them with minimal latency.

Built on top of Amazon AWS, it’s a reliable and fast way to update translations automatically without any additional action needed.

Learn the 8 reasons why delivering translations via Localazy CDN directly to your users is a good idea!

⚙️ 1. Fully automated localization 🔗

Integrate Localazy with your stack, and upload localizable files automatically; let us localize them and download translated files from Localazy Content Delivery Network anywhere in the world. Once Localazy is integrated with CDN, you no longer need to touch the localization process!

See the list of supported integrations.

Localazy also works seamlessly with the Releases feature, allowing you to stay in control of the distribution while not having your hands tied during development.

All your release tags are automatically available so that you can serve the fresh files for your testing, and once you are sure of their quality, you can push them to production. When ready, just publish the release, and it’s available quickly on the CDN.

🤝 2. Manage everything in Localazy and leave the rest to us 🔗

Upload your localizable files to Localazy, manage translations easily, and deliver them through CDN without additional action.

We make your files available through Localazy Content Delivery Network and add useful metadata with versions, available languages, plural rules, etc. You can build a fully-featured localized solution with language switching on top of our CDN and manage your product or service localization comfortably from Localazy.

We take care of everything for you, so you can focus on building your product or app.

Read a success story: How ROUVY fell in love with Localazy CDN

🧑‍💻 3. Versatile and easy to implement 🔗

Localazy CDN can be implemented in a variety of user-facing interfaces. Use your favorite framework and i18n library, then just fetch the metadata file, and serve the language files via CDN directly to your users. No need for frequent rebuilds when a typo needs fixing.

Localazy CDN works out of the box with your current architecture, and you don't need to pay extra attention to configuration, provisioning, scaling, invalidation, content uploads, etc.

🔐 4. Reliable & Secure Delivery 🔗

Built on top of Amazon technologies, Localazy CDN is a reliable way to deliver your language files to end-users.


Your localization files are stored on Amazon S3, providing an impressive 99.99% uptime. Everything is then delivered through Amazon CloudFront, a distributed CDN that makes it incredibly reliable.

All files are cached and delivered globally through multiple data centers. Even if some of the networks experience issues, the data is still accessible on different nodes, meaning your end users won’t encounter any severe downtime.

All files on our CDN are available through a secured HTTPS connection. No matter what files you deliver, they are safe with us!

🌍 5. Worldwide coverage 🔗

With data centers worldwide, your localizable files are available with minimal latency contributing to the great experience of your product or service. Localazy CDN connects users to their nearest low-latency edge location. This is often much closer to the user than your own origin server, creating a shorter journey for the translation files to travel. Overall, thanks to CloudFront, Localazy CDN lowers loading time for your users.

📈 6. Scales as you grow 🔗

Built on top of proven and scalable technologies, you don’t need to worry about whether you have ten users or a million users. We serve terabytes of data and hundreds of millions of requests monthly. With monthly costs starting as low as $1 for hobby apps and niche products.


💰 7. Fair and transparent pricing 🔗

We only charge you for your actual usage. Whether you serve ten users or twenty million users, you pay for what you use. The pricing for Localazy CDN is based on consumed resources - HTTPS requests, data transfers, and resources associated with publishing your changes across the network.

For example, if your translation file has ~50 kB, you make 50 changes to it during the month, and you deliver it to 1,000,000 users per month; the price result is only $30!

How is it calculated?

  • Data transfers (1,000,000 * 50kB) * $0.5/GB = $23.8
  • HTTPS requests (1,000,000 / 1000) * 0.005 = $5
  • Releases published 50 * $0.01 = $0.5

Total price per month = $29.3

Learn more and see more examples in the Localazy CDN Pricing

Considering the fact that Localazy CDN works out of the box and is a fully managed service, it can significantly reduce your overhead costs and TCO.

Total cost of ownership (TCO) is an estimation of the expenses associated with purchasing, deploying, using and retiring a product or piece of equipment. TCO, or actual cost, quantifies the cost of the purchase across the product's entire lifecycle

🚩 8. Trusted by international brands 🔗

Localazy CDN has been in our offering from the beginning and has already proved itself by delivering several billion files worldwide.

Companies operating internationally, such as Rouvy.com, rely on Localazy CDN for seamless localization of their product or services.


✔️ Conclusion 🔗

In conclusion, Localazy CDN offers a game-changing solution for streamlined translation delivery. Seamlessly integrated with Amazon AWS, it ensures hassle-free file uploads across all points of presence, automatic translation delivery, and efficient global distribution.

Its compatibility across various user interfaces and i18n libraries makes it effortlessly versatile. The transparent pricing model, tied only to actual resource consumption, minimizes costs and the total cost of ownership, a factor appreciated by brands like Rouvy.com. In essence, Localazy CDN stands as an industry-trusted solution that simplifies and enhances content delivery worldwide.