When it comes to digital businesses, every localization process appears to be a difficult quest. 🗺️ 🧭

Picture this: you are a product manager at an international company, and your task is to scale your digital presence globally. This is not an easy journey – high operational costs, technical complexities, and the fear of unsuccessful scaling are only some of the obstacles you will face. Fortunately, there are things that can make this process less intimidating. Enter Localazy, the smart yet understandable guide offering a simple solution through its innovative Content Delivery Network (CDN).

💸 What is TCO - and why does it matter? 🔗

The concept of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) may seem complicated, but in simple terms, it represents all the money you spend on getting, using, and retiring a product or service. So, when it comes to localization, TCO isn’t just about the upfront costs of translation; it includes the ongoing expenses of keeping things updated and scaling up.

Many factors influence TCO in a digital business, such as:

  • 💿 Software and hardware expenses,
  • 💰 operational costs,
  • 🧍🏻‍♂️ and the often-overlooked costs of human resources.

Our CEO, Václav Hódek, points out something crucial: people tend to underestimate the cost of their own work. “It feels like a free feature, as it's included in the salary, but - do you really want to save a few bucks on a CDN while building, managing, and bug-fixing your own solution for publishing updated translations?"

Some companies tend to overlook the effort their teams put into building, managing, and fixing in-house solutions. This can lead to a significant underestimation of the actual TCO

If you give into this mindset, costs can quickly get out of control. "It could cost you 10x more monthly, or even more. Once you get to more complicated stuff, like implementing releases or logic for your language switcher, the cost can skyrocket quickly. And you are still not going to have everything wrapped in a nice UI for your translators and marketing guys", he says.

As you can see, some companies tend to overlook the effort their teams put into building, managing, and fixing in-house solutions. This can lead to a significant underestimation of the actual TCO. Let's see how a content delivery network can help.


📡 How a CDN can help 🔗

At its core, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is like a global network of servers strategically placed to deliver digital content efficiently, no matter where the users are. It’s good at reducing delays, improving reliability, and enhancing user experience.

So, what is the connection between localization and TCO? Here’s where our CDN becomes a game-changer. It not only simplifies the distribution of localized content but also significantly cuts down the TCO. By using our CDN, businesses can scale up seamlessly, offer reliability, and spread translations easily and swiftly, which is essential for serving a global audience.

➡️ Learn more about our CDN and its impact on localization in this article.

🎁 4 CDN elements that reduce TCO 🔗

As we mentioned above, a content delivery network essentially focuses on efficiently getting your digital content to users worldwide. This is great for reducing lag and boosting reliability; it's also a key player in keeping your TCO in check. And as a bonus, it has four noticeable benefits.

1. Instant updates 🔗

The most obvious advantage of using a CDN is the benefit of constant, instant updates. 🔄 In other words, it eliminates the need for long release cycles by enabling updates and hotfixes to translations to be rolled out immediately. This flexibility results in lower operating expenses, creating a more adaptable global presence.

2. Simplified workflows 🔗

Lengthy deployment processes are out of the window with a CDN, as it simplifies localization workflows. This not only saves time for translators and developers alike but also significantly reduces labor costs.


3. Scalability 🔗

One common concern for growing companies is being able to scale their systems as they expand. 🪜 Localazy CDN makes this simpler: our content delivery network infrastructure seamlessly scales with your business. In practice, this means it's designed to meet the growing demands of your customer base without incurring undesirable costs.

4. Enhanced user experience 🔗

Reliability can greatly impact customer satisfaction and loyalty. By delivering content from the nearest server to the user, CDN ensures three things:

  • ⏱️ Faster loading times
  • 📨 Scaling ability to handle more requests
  • 📬 A more reliable user experience

🌱 Two real-life CDN success stories 🔗

Consider the success stories of Worldee and Rouvy, two Localazy clients that regularly use our CDN to their advantage. Thanks to this network, they are able to propagate translations without delays, ensuring their content is always up-to-date and resonant with their global audience. When implemented, not only did they improve efficiency, but also brought down their TCO, which was a key part of their global expansion. 🚀

Worldee is a modern travel platform with around 100,000+ users that connects users with a community of experienced travelers with the same passion and allows you to discover the world through the eyes of the locals. Since they started using our CDN in 2023, the company has handled 163GB of data and 705k requests for an average price of $7/month.

Worldee connects travel lovers with the help of Localazy CDN.

Rouvy is a global indoor cycling platform for athletes and sports enthusiasts. It allows users to ride, exercise, and compete using a realistic simulation that includes more than 2,000 scenic bike routes worldwide. Apart from benefitting from all the Localazy l10n and internationalization perks, our CDN has greatly impacted their ability to reliably update and disseminate their content without constant oversight.

"The most impactful moment was seeing the automation in action," shares Lukáš Tóth, Rouvy's Product Manager. "Thanks to the Localazy CDN, we have set up our workflow so that developers don't have to deal with localization resources at all. This significantly reduced the effort needed to release new versions, and we haven't looked back since."

🤔 Wondering how other companies use our CDN, and Localazy's services as a whole? Visit our Case Studies section for more stories.

A Proven Track Record 🔗

In a typical month, our CDN impressively handles 150 million requests and manages almost 2TB of data, showcasing its robustness and reliability. 💪 Additionally, with around 15,000 publishes monthly, we continually update and refine our content delivery to meet the dynamic needs of our global audience.


These are growing numbers that are constantly evolving. But our performance doesn't only rely on stats; it's a testament to the trust that businesses worldwide place in Localazy to effectively support their localization efforts.

✂️ Ready to Slash your TCO? 🔗

Reducing your TCO with our CDN is surprisingly easy. First integrate your project with Localazy; then set up the CDN according to your needs. With clear pricing and an easy setup, expanding globally becomes a breeze. An example illustrates it better, though. Let's see some hypotheses next so you can estimate to how much your final invoice would amount. 👀

Example #1: Startup 🔗

Imagine you've got a large website or a SaaS platform that's all set to go global. You're ready to share your work with the world, in multiple languages, no less. But here's the thing: you want to keep an eye on costs without getting tangled in complex pricing schemes. That's where we step in with Localazy CDN.

You have a 50 kB file that's crucial for your international audience, which reaches a million users every month. How much will it cost with us? Spoiler: It's probably less than you think.

Here's a quick calculation:

  • 📊 Data transfers (1,000,000 * 50kB) * $0.5/GB = $23.8
  • 📤 HTTPS requests (1,000,000 / 1000) * 0.005 = $5
  • ⭐️ Releases published 50 * $0.01 = $0.5

Total price per month = $29.3

That's it. No fine print, no surprises. Just straightforward pricing that scales with your needs, whether you're just starting out or you're reaching millions worldwide. And remember: this flexibility means you're never overpaying for what you use.


Example #2: Medium-sized company 🔗

Let's assume that we have a growing, medium-sized company with a broader audience and a slightly larger file size they need to distribute internationally. This company has a 150 kB file that reaches 5 million users every month and publishes around 75 releases.

Here's a quick calculation:

  • 📊  Data transfers (5,000,000 * 100kB) * $0.5/GB = $242.19
  • 📤  HTTPS requests (5,000,000 / 1000) * 0.005 = $25
  • ⭐️ Releases published 75 * $0.01 = $0.75

Total price per month = $267.94

Example #3: Corporation 🔗

For a corporation with a global footprint, the scale of operations and the reach to a global audience in multiple languages is crucial. Here, both the content complexity and user base are at their peak.

Translation files are comprehensive, around 200 kB each, to cover the wide array of services and information you offer. The platform impressively caters to 10 million users each month, with 200 releases.

Here's a quick calculation:

  • 📊  Data transfers (10,000,000 * 200kB) * $0.5/GB = $976.56
  • 📤  HTTPS requests (10,000,000 / 1000) * 0.005 = $50
  • ⭐️ Releases published 200 * $0.01 = $2

Total price per month = $1,028.56

💰 Curious about how this works out for different scenarios or looking to dive deeper into the numbers? Check out more examples of our CDN pricing.

✔️ Conclusion 🔗

Scaling your global presence is a quest with multiple challenges. However, with the right tools, reducing TCO and getting seamless localization results becomes easy and convenient. 💪

This is the time to embrace innovative solutions and transform your localization process so your business can make an impression in the global market. Remember: the right tools can help you succeed with your digital expansion and avoid unnecessary expenses. Join the ranks of businesses like Worldee and Rouvy, and let Localazy CDN be your ally in conquering the global stage.