While it is quite a long time since the last release, believe me, we didn't slack that much during the hot summer days! 🌞

What will you find in today's release update?

  • Organizations Preview
  • Download translated files without CLI or CDN
  • Community update
  • Secret projects
  • Various fixes and improvements

Exciting? So, let's go!

🎫 Organizations Preview 🔗

Localazy started as a developer-oriented platform for managing translations and helped hundreds of them with the localization of their apps.

While small and big teams are picking up Localazy as their TMS of choice, we are proud to announce that we have worked hard to introduce a new way of managing projects in Localazy that will suit you all better.

Select your workspace
Please note that this is the first version of what's about to come later.

✔️ What is possible with organizations now?

  • Invite team members and share all projects with them
  • Apply active plans, and source key increases organization-wide
  • Transfer projects from personal workspace to an organization (user needs to be an Owner in the organization)
  • Better invoicing and separate billing
  • Brand new Dashboard

These basic organization features are now available to all users to streamline your translation management in Localazy even more.

The new Localazy Dashboard

What will be possible shortly?

  • Creating teams within organizations
  • Permission granularity
  • Upload organization image
  • View organization activity stream
  • Separate notifications

📥 Download translated files directly 🔗

For some while now, file uploads are possible directly via the UI without installing CLI, opening the platform to quicker adoption and a more user-friendly start.

Today, we introduce the possibility to download translated files directly via File management as well. Managing translations is even easier now, even for non-developer folks!

Download translated files directly

Why is this new feature significant? You can now check how Localazy can benefit you instantly. You can also upload any texts (e.g., marketing copy or video subtitles), have them translated by our Localization Team to the language of your choice, and download it all back with a few clicks! Try it!

Start translating now, sign-up for Localazy!

🤝 Community Updates 🔗

The Community section is the place where you can help us help you grow. Answer surveys, write an interview with us, send your referral link to your friends, or spread the word about Localazy by sharing our blog articles and get rewarded for it!

New options in the Community Section
More is to come in the future. Make sure to visit the community section every once in a while!  🙂

🤫 Secret projects 🔗

A new feature available for our Agency tier users is the ability to set the project type to secret. Secret projects are not indexed or searchable, and only invited users can see them. 🔒 Helpful if you handle projects for clients or simply want to keep your projects behind the curtain.

Pick up your Agency plan in the Localazy marketplace or visit the pricing page for more information about our plans.

🎉 Improvements 🔗

CDN JSON meta update

⚠️ We have updated the CDN metafile. CDN now supports a new JSON format with v2.json suffix.

Please note that the old URLs of JSON metafiles will be deprecated in the near future.

Added support for more iOS placeholders

Localazy now supports more iOS placeholders. The 🍎 apples are getting tastier with every update!  🙂  Introduce your iOS project to Localazy today to see it in action!

Read more in the article: How to translate iOS apps with Localazy CLI/SDK

Added support for Nette NEON placeholders

Great news for the PHP and Nette community! 🎉 Localazy now fully supports the NEON format and its placeholders. Integrate your Nette app now!

Read more in the article: How to localize Nette app using contributte/translation and Localazy

Added Active subscriptions section into the Marketplace dashboard

To help you keep track of all running subscriptions on top of your plan, we have added a new section into the 🛍️ Marketplace Dashboard. You can see all your additional purchases here.

Updated Translations Tables UI

  • Translators can now see their version of translated string to help keep track of their progress and translation context.
  • Owners can batch approve selected translations, send them to review or pre-translate using our MT pre-translate feature.
  • We have also added some new filtering options and made other minor tweaks.

Updated sign up and login screen

A small step for Localazy, the login and signup pages have undergone a beautiful facelift. We hope you'll like it!  🙂

The new Localazy signup page

Secure support chat requests

You don't have to send us e-mails when you need to make us some changes on your account. When you are logged in to Localazy, we can fetch the info about your account and validate, that we are chatting with the right person and act accordingly. 💬

Auto-generated avatars and app icons

This is a small gimmick, but we really like how it turned out. For projects and users who don't have their own custom picture uploaded, Localazy automatically generates an avatar and icon. 🤠 Try to change your avatar or create a new project to see it in action! 😀

Localazy auto-generates project icons and avatars!

🔧 Minor fixes and tweaks 🔗

  • LOC-2878 - Terminology updates
  • LOC-3126 - Notifications fixes
  • LOC-3279 - Fixed: Deleted user caused broken Review UI
  • LOC-3283 - Updated max size for avatars and project images

📌 CLI update - v1.5.0 🔗

The Localazy CLI has been updated to a new version as well! You can now use new variables for handling your files. We have improved error messages and also added information about source key limits to CLI.

Read all about the new CLI version in the release notes.

💬 Discuss this release update 🔗

Thank you, our users, for helping us make Localazy better for everyone. You are our greatest inspiration. Please tell us what you think about the new release; join our forum now at discuss.localazy.com or send us a message via our chat. All feedback is greatly appreciated!

Discuss this update on the Localazy forum.