👋 Introduction 🔗

We want to keep the pricing as transparent as possible and keep all essential features free for everyone, including the machine translation.

Our mission is to help break language barriers, so forget about us limiting the number of languages you can translate. You also shouldn't be restricted by the number of users you wish to invite to help or the number of words you can translate each month.

With Localazy, you know how much you are paying each month. You also immediately know which tier you need based on the source key limit or the desired set of features that you need to achieve your goals.

👀 Visit the Localazy Pricing page

What are source keys? 🔗

Source keys are sometimes called strings or segments.

You can imagine a source key as a single row in a spreadsheet you were previously using for translations. It can be a single-word button label or a paragraph of text. It can include placeholders or markup tags.

Source keys are the only metric that we base our pricing on, and one source key in 5 languages is still counted as only one towards your source key limit.  

7-day trial for all plans 🔗

All paid plans come with a 7-day trial period that allows you to try everything before you commit. We understand that complex applications take more time to set up and test, especially if you need multiple teams to cooperate on your localization projects, so if you need more days, you can contact our support and ask for a prolonged period.

Unlimited seats, projects, languages & words 🔗

You might have heard or even experienced horror stories about adding seats and being surprisingly billed way more than expected by some companies. (Looking at you, Figma 😕)

We don't want to go this way. That's why all Localazy plans, including the Free tier, have unlimited seats for users. Localazy is used not only by big businesses but also by community-driven projects that are open for everyone to help translate their favorite app or open-source software. We also don't limit the number of translation projects you can manage with Localazy, the number of languages you can add to each project, and the number of words you can translate with our tools.

Essential Features for free, including machine translation 🔗

Review, Glossary, and machine translation suggestions remain included in the Free tier. If you want to translate your hobby project with a hundred strings, you don't have to pay anything and keep managing it with Localazy until it grows over 200 managed source keys. To help you, we also offer our ShareTM and Amazon Translate suggestions for free!

Choose your integration method regardless of your plan 🔗

Anyone can use our Command Line Interface, API, and mobile SDKs. You can upload any supported localizable files without any restrictions using any of the methods above or simply drag and drop them into the file upload area inside the web platform.

Translation services and translation delivery for everyone 🔗

Our Continuous Localization Team is here for everyone to help them translate their project professionally. All users can also set up Localazy CDN or OTA updates regardless of their tier. These services are billed separately based on your usage.

No MT engine usage restriction 🔗

All of our plans come with machine translation. Some plans have more engines available or unlock the automation of their usage, but the volume is always unrestricted. You can translate your content without any concern of being charged more for overcoming some threshold.

Helpful support for everyone 🔗

Our support is here for everyone. We can't promise to solve all your queries quickly, but you can rely on our team. We frequently implement reasonable requests and always strive to answer immediately. Our satisfaction ratio is more than 90%, and it is something we are very proud of! 😊


We listen to your feedback 🔗

You are helping us shape our platform the most! Over the years, many features were added based on our users' feedback. Our team has had hundreds of feedback calls with customers worldwide, and we are always looking forward to hearing your opinions.

🤩 How to choose the right tier? 🔗

The first thing you should do is upload your content to Localazy to see how many source keys are there in total. Then, depending on your preferences, you can go with the minimum required plan based on the source keys or upgrade to one of our higher tiers and enjoy the advanced features that each plan has to offer.


Free: Enter the world of localization 🔗

The Free tier is the gateway to the world of localization for everyone. It is ideal for hobby projects and proofs of concepts. Entry-level localization features are all available in the Free plan, including machine translation suggestions and the glossary!

Here's what you get for free

  • 200 managed source keys
  • Unlimited seats, projects, words, and languages
  • ShareTM: our community translation suggestions
  • Amazon Translate suggestions
  • Glossary
  • API, CLI, and SDKs for file upload/download
Sign up for free and try Localazy now


Professional: Essentials for small projects & startups 🔗

The Professional plan is suitable mainly for small projects and early-stage startups wanting to get translations done quickly. The purpose of this tier is to cover the essential localization needs of your project comfortably. It includes batch MT pre-translate, screenshots, and all the necessary tools to make Localazy a valuable tool in your stack.

Features and Benefits

  • Up to 2,500 managed source keys
  • Google Translate: available in machine translation suggestions and pre-translate.
  • Pre-translate with MT: Choose Amazon or Google Translate and apply MT in bulk.
  • Screenshots: Upload screenshots that will help your translators with context during translation. OCR technology will help you link texts on the screenshots with your source keys.
  • Custom Plurals: - define custom plurals for any language in your project and avoid compatibility issues with your i18n solution
  • Multiplatform Development: Convert files from one format to another and reuse translations across your platforms. Ideal for streamlined localization of iOS and Android versions of the same app.
  • Translation Sharing: Share translations, glossary terms, and screenshots across connected projects to save time on translation. Ideal for a portfolio of apps that share some common strings.
  • Release Versions: Create release versions of your project to keep strings in development from reaching production or testing.


Autopilot: Automation for growth 🔗

The Autopilot tier is our customers' most popular choice. With Autopilot, you can enjoy fully automatic translations and focus on building your product. If you are a growing startup or a digital agency and wish to streamline your translation workflow, use state-of-the-art machine translation offered by DeepL or OpenAI, and set up workflows that align with your translation and deployment process, choose Autopilot.

With Autopilot's integrations, you can also easily connect popular third-party services such as content management systems (Strapi, Storyblok, etc.), design platforms (Figma), or customer service solutions (Intercom) with official plugins.

Features and Benefits

  • Up to 7,500 managed source keys
  • Automated Workflows - Automate repetitive tasks per project and language to streamline your localization processes further.
  • Auto MT pre-translate - Automatically translate new or changing content with popular machine translation engines.
  • DeepL & OpenAI translations - Get access to leading MT providers
  • Figma Screenshots - Automatically create, upload, and link screenshots from Figma to your texts in Localazy.
  • Webhooks - A simple way to set up actions or notifications based on triggers and events in your Localazy project.
  • All official Integrations without restriction - Connect to your favorite third-party platforms in a few clicks with our plugins and integrations and automate the localization of your content

Currently in Beta: Localazy AI

The hype and controversy around AI translation made us think twice before deciding to introduce OpenAI integration. But here it comes! 🥳

It is not just another AI assistant that requires you to prompt the AI every single time you need it. You'll be able to use it inside your workflows automatically with useful features such as sentiment analysis and more. Contact us if you want to try it out!


Business: Enhanced collaboration and efficiency 🔗

The Business tier is the ultimate self-service localization solution for aspiring global businesses. With this tier, you can manage up to 100,000 source strings while keeping duplicate content under control. Collaborate across your project teams with reporting, branching, and language permissions. You can also set up Single Sign-On, and most importantly, you will receive all future updates and features coming to the platform!

Features and Benefits

  • Up to 100,000 managed source keys!
  • Duplicity Resolving: Link duplicate content together and translate it only once while staying in control of its meaning and purpose, and benefit from our automated key clustering feature.
  • Branching: Maintain several branches of your project to collaborate without conflicting changes.
  • File & Key Aliases: Export your keys under multiple names and into various files without a complicated setup.
  • Language Permissions: Allow access only to the languages you want your contributors to translate.
  • Reporting: Learn how your translators perform and get an overview of your language stats at a glance.
  • Single Sign On: Set up SAML-based SSO for your whole organization to ensure a secure authentication with Localazy.
  • CSV Export / Import: Hand off your translation project to an external supplier who is too stubborn to switch to Localazy and upload their work back in a few clicks.
  • Secret Projects: Hide your Localazy projects from the public altogether.

Coming soon

These features are currently on our roadmap and should become available in 2024. Make sure to read our Release Updates to stay in the loop!

  • Style Guides: Prepare a style guide for your project to ensure consistent translations.
  • Tags & Tasks: Tag translations and create tasks for your team based on filters.
  • Teams & Extended Permissions: Assign granular permissions to your users and group them into teams for more controlled user management.


Enterprise: Manage and scale large projects 🔗

No project or ecosystem of projects is too big for Localazy. The Enterprise tier is here for everyone who needs to manage and translate a high volume of texts and those looking for assistance with localization, navigating complex translation workflows, and additional services. Contact us to discuss your requirements, and allow us to help you grow your global presence with scalable localization!

Features and Benefits

  • Custom Source key limit
  • High-Volume Translation Services: Enlist a dedicated team of translators for your projects and get volume discounts for large-scale projects.
  • SLA / Priority Support: You can rely on our team to provide outstanding service, and rest assured that our support team will help you answer all questions. We can sign for that.
  • Dedicated Localization Manager: Get a PRINCE2-certified localization manager to help you deliver high-quality translations.
  • Initial Setup & Configuration: Save your valuable time and allow us to help you with the initial setup.
  • Custom Integration Development: Integrating all of your systems will be a breeze for our developers.
  • Custom Locales: Use custom locales without workarounds.
  • Backup & Restore: Ask for frequent backups of your projects and sleep soundly, knowing that any accident can be undone!
  • Audit Logs: Get a detailed insight into all actions that happen inside your projects.
Get a tailored set of services with Localazy Enterprise. Contact us now.

✅ Conclusion 🔗

You can look forward to more useful features in the coming months, and you can rely on our team to improve your experience. Still unsure which plan is the right pick? Contact us!