Great app with perfect support will just make every developer happy because users are happy. After all, we know something about it! Check out the rating of Floating Apps for yourself.

How quality assurance makes your app better 🔗

  • Fewer bug reports and fixes in production - you already know it best!
  • Seamless user experience drives more app sales and positive reputation
  • Lower maintenance decreases overall development costs
  • There is more time to focus on app perfection and improvements

As you can see, quality assurance can make the difference between a loser and a winner app. But quality assurance does not mean only code review, but also many other parts, including quality of app localization.

Translation and localization as a part of UX 🔗

App language hides in the corner. There are several reasons why localization can be a weak part of the overall user experience.

  • Translation tools are not fully integrated with apps
  • It is a challenge to review all phrases in many languages for a single developer
  • Cost of translation make app developers choose only major languages
  • Having a localization team is not a viable option for independent developers and small digital teams

How Localazy enable developers to focus on quality 🔗

Here at Localazy, we have a strong belief, proofed by the reality of our apps, that quality assurance is of vital importance for every professional developer. Based on our individual needs for efficient translations, we have developed a mobile app localization tool made with developers and end-users in mind. Easiness to use for developers is our highest priority, and we already have some experience from different perspectives. Our founder Václav is an app developer, Jakub is a translation manager, and all of us are app users.

All mobile app users should be able to use apps in their language. Through a set of features, we aid your app translation process to increase the overall quality of your app.

Seamless review system 🔗

The last thing you want to do as a mobile app developer is to check on translation updates and new strings for review constantly. Stay organized with Localazy and perform your reviews just when you have spare time to do so. You can have a peaceful mind - it doesn’t matter if you check your translations once per week or month. You always know exactly what happened, who translated what, etc.

Phrase prioritization 🔗

Our translation engine works for your users. Based on telemetric data, your translation contributors will get most important phrases at the top of the priority ladder. Save your funds as well as your time. Focus on the most important phrases first, without the need to make manual decisions. Seamless and quickly visible results of the translation process can also attract more contributors to improve your app’s translations.

Translation as a game 🔗

Usually, a game is something that people understand as a tool of relaxation or learning. But a game can also be a productivity tool. We got inspired by games for their ability to drive people into a state of deep flow, which makes them stay focused. This approach works back and forth through the whole Localazy. It is not about rewards and gamification, but about the seamless app translation experience. You can benefit from our carefully tailored translation game to have the essential translations within no time compared to other computer-aided translation tools.

Continuous Improvement 🔗

It is important to continually and gradually improve the quality of the app, based on user feedback and other important findings. Not an easy task if there is no framework for it. Fortunately, there is!

PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act

Origins of PDCA are in the scientific approach of famous Francis Bacon, lately further promoted by W. Edwards Deming, who is considered by many to be the father of modern quality control. PDCA cycle is an iterative four-step management method used for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products.

With no doubts, PDCA is here to help you to aid quality assurance of your mobile app localization.

PDCA Cycle

Cost-effective translation means more funds into development 🔗

Translation jobs can be quite pricey. Not only the work itself but also hiring, onboarding, training and management is something that can make a difference between cost-effective translation and headache. Get reinforced by Localazy platform and save the funds you can use for app development and quality assurance. From our pricing model to the principles of our translation engine, get the most out of your app.