QA - Quality Assurance

The quality assurance stage is the process of verifying that a localized product accurately delivers its intended functions to the end-user.

Quality assurance is the process of verifying that a product or service is up to standards and discovering whether it meets customer needs.

Quality Assurance (QA) provides documentation of and tests for differences between the original product being translated and the localized version. Information gleaned from these tests becomes a vital part of verifying that the released localized product can accurately deliver its intended function to the end-user.

Test-driving a product, a service, or an idea is undertaken before incurring the cost of making a final decision to move forward.

Quality assurance and testing are performed before any expensive product development actions are taken to avoid having unpleasant surprises.

To maintain high standards, it is good practice to involve quality assurance at all stages of the translation process by writing a quality plan, setting milestones, and testing.

Some preventative QA measures for translation and localization in Localazy are: