Happy New Year to everyone! Did you set a New Year's resolution? What about resolving all duplicate strings in your project? Or translating your content into more languages this year? We can help you with those!

💝 Language of The Month Deals 🔗

But first, let's unwrap a present that we have prepared for everyone who likes to order professional translations from our Continuous Localization Team. Language of the Month is a unique opportunity to save on translations to different languages each month.

We are kicking off the new year with Hungarian. Translate your projects from English to Hungarian comfortably with Localazy now and reach millions of Hungarian speakers in Central and Eastern Europe - only for $0.115 per word until the end of February.

Why Hungarian Localization Services Are So Important

Read the article about the importance of Hungarian localization to learn more about the history of the language and why you should seriously consider always going with professional translations when it comes to translating to Hungarian.

You can expect a new discounted language announced every one or two months, starting in January. Stay tuned!

➡️ Learn how to order translations for your projects in
The ultimate guide to Localazy translation services.

🎫 Storyblok Localization (beta) 🔗

Storyblok CMS integration with Localazy

Storyblok is the headless content management system that empowers developers and content teams to create better content experiences across any digital channel. And Storyblok is the second CMS that gets a native integration with Localazy.

To make your Storyblok website multilingual and translate it with Localazy, you don’t need to install any plugins or connectors. Follow the integration guide for Storyblok and use your Space ID and API Token to connect your Storyblok website with the project in Localazy, and you are done!

Try the Localazy integration for Storyblok now.
Sign up

The integration is currently in the closed beta testing stage, and we would like to invite everyone with a Storyblok website who wants to kick off the localization of their content in 2023 to give our new integration a try.

David is looking forward to your bug reports and improvement requests, and you can also expect an article from him about the Storyblok integration on the blog soon. 😊

🔗 Duplicity Linking 🔗

Localazy Duplicity Linking
Localazy Duplicity Linking

Sometimes when our CEO Václav gets bored on weekends, he likes to develop new features without telling anyone else and then presents them out of the blue on our weekly syncs. I suppose he likes to see our jaws drop because he does this pretty often. It's become a running joke in the company. When some complex feature requests appear, we just shrug it off and say, "Václav will get it done over the weekend." 😅

Well, I am exaggerating a little bit. There is actually a lot of research before any development. Still, the Duplicity Linking feature came earlier than we expected, and it is just one example of this passion and the drive to improve the localization experience of our users.

Read the detailed article about Duplicity Linking on our blog.

You can quickly see how many duplicates are contained in your project by visiting the Translations page of your project.

Duplicate Percentage in Localazy

Project owners can resolve duplicities in the Localazy Console. Instead of translating the same content across multiple source keys, you can link duplicate keys together.

Linked keys are then hidden from translators, and they share translations coming from the content source string. On top of that, you can also link duplicates across multiple projects and save a lot of time and money on translating multiple projects simultaneously.

You can read more about Duplicity Linking on the blog or try it out now by upgrading to the Business plan.

📌 New Batch Operations & Table Select 🔗

Another frequently requested improvement is finally here. Behold the "Gmail table select" - now also available in Localazy. We sincerely hope Google hasn't filed a patent on this. 🤐

"Good artists borrow, great artists steal." - Pablo Picasso (probably?)

Filter what you need, select multiple items, the whole page, or all occurrences in the table with a few clicks.


Then, you can use the ellipsis menu on the right to apply batch actions to all selected items. In the source language, you can show, hide, (un)deprecate or delete the selected source keys. By the way, in the image above, you can see why Duplicity Linking is a much-needed feature for software localization.


In the translations view, you can approve translations waiting for review, send approved translations back for another review round, pre-translate your keys with machine translations, and set "needs improvement" and "source changed" flags as you see fit or delete the current translation altogether.


And these batch actions are also available in the languages overview, with some additional actions applicable to languages as a whole. Such as pre-translate, enabling/disabling, and ordering translations for them.

💡 Improvements and Fixes 🔗

Our team managed to fix and improve many more aspects of Localazy, and we are happy to share a few notable examples.

Improved Translation Interface 🔗

Some users reported trouble while typing Japanese characters in the translation field. We fixed the behavior of the text field promptly. Arigato!🗾


Another improvement you might have noticed recently is the option to display formatting marks such as spaces, line breaks, and so on. You can toggle this on and off in the table view as well.

And finally, you can go back to the previous item during translation and review sessions! Use the back button in the top right corner of your screen to go back when you realize you accidentally saved something you didn't mean to.

Go to previous translation button in Localazy

File Management Improvements 🔗

Let's admit it, if you ever wanted to upload existing translations using our web interface, you probably got confused about the concept of Localazy files and how they work. 😕

In file management, you don’t see multiple files in various languages. You can imagine each Localazy file as a stack of regular files you would find on your computer - with the source language on the bottom and all of the translated versions on top of it. So when you want to upload your files in another language, you need to update the Localazy file content instead of uploading the file as new.

We believe this concept makes perfect sense, but sometimes puzzled users trying to upload the files as new content getting duplicate keys and other mishaps were messaging us asking for help. Once we pointed them in the right direction, everything worked properly. We hope this update helps our users in a better orientation and understanding of how Localazy handles translation files. 🗃️

Localazy File Management

Strapi Improvements 🔗

Don't worry. Announcing a new CMS getting a native integration doesn't mean that Strapi will sit on the sidelines. Our Strapi localization plugin is still getting a lot of love, and David has made several updates in the past few weeks. 💜 Most were minor fixes, but these deserve mentioning:

  • Added support for server prefix
  • Fixed required fields not being created after downloading translations

Support for go-i18n v2 🔗

We also updated our parser for go-i18n v2 JSON files, and with the correct configuration, you can upload your files to Localazy without any problems.

Learn more about our adaptable JSON parser.

📚 Further Reading 🔗

And that's all for now! Before you go, here is some recommended reading you might have missed.

Figma in Product Localization Series 🔗


A new series of articles written by Dan Charvát is coming soon to the Localazy blog. The series is focused on using Figma and Localazy in product localization. This is a highly requested topic from all of our Figma plugin users who were wondering how to connect their Figma design with their product translations via Localazy and what are the best practices.

The first article focuses on the most simple way of introducing localization in the design phase of your product development - using the Figma plugin as a preview tool for localized designs.

Figma in Localization: Preview designs in multiple languages

Interviews 🔗


If you'd like to learn more about the people behind Localazy, you can read the first installment of the new "Meet The Localazy Team" series. Read the interview with our Product Manager, Jan Bílek. Learn more about his perspectives on localization, software development, and product positioning.

Meet The Localazy Team: Jan Bílek, Product Manager


Read the interview with Guido Leenders, the Managing Director at Invantive, to learn more about their SQL-based data management platform, the future of business data management, and their "aha" moment when they first decided to choose Localazy to solve their localization needs.

Guido also helps us improve Localazy with his frequent feedback and useful insights from managing the localization of over 25 projects with Localazy. Thank you!

Interview: Invantive, your virtual database for company overviews


We also interviewed Jan Sechovec, the VP of Product at Revolgy, with over two decades of experience in the IT industry. Countless organizations have trusted Revolgy as their advisor to migrate into cloud structures that suit them best, whether it's Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud. Learn more about the company that makes the cloud work for all businesses.

Interview: Revolgy, your partner for on-demand cloud services

Most of the interviews on our blog from this year were led by Marta G. Coloma, and we want to thank her publicly for all the great work she has done for us! Thank you, Marta, for asking the right questions, your compelling storytelling, and the consistently positive and pleasant communication with our customers and teammates alike.

Localazy Hub (beta) 🔗

Localazy Hub

Localazy Hub is a new localization knowledge base that we are building to help everyone make better decisions on their localization journey. The ultimate goal is to create a centralized place with all information you'd ever need to decide which markets to expand to, find resources that will help you with proper localization, and learn more about the countries or languages.

The project is still in very early beta, but if you'd like to learn more about the languages you plan to localize your projects, it can be a great starting point.

Explore the Localazy Hub

Now, you can get information about languages and regions around the world in 6 languages. And you can also help us translate a repository of English idioms to your language!

📯 Follow Localazy 🔗

To get the latest info about new Localazy features, usage tips, success stories, and some behind-the-scenes bits, make sure to follow our social media accounts:

🐤 Follow Localazy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/localazy

You can also follow the real people behind Localazy. I would recommend you follow especially these members of our core team who are most active on Twitter:

You can also find Localazy on 💼 LinkedIn, 💬 Facebook, and 📷 Instagram.

✔️ Conclusion 🔗

We hope you'll try the new features and tell us how you like our latest improvements! Make sure to follow us on Twitter, and don't hesitate to contact us anytime to discuss your project or new features!