What is CDN? #️⃣

Our localization CDN allows you to download translated files directly from multiple data centers located all over the world to ensure your users get them with minimal latency.

Built on top of Amazon AWS, it’s a reliable and fast way to update translations automatically without any additional action needed.

Localazy CDN pricing is usage-based.

How to enable CDN #️⃣

CDN Client #️⃣

Get a Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Localazy CDN on our developer portal.

Get the Localazy CDN Library

Advanced usage #️⃣

Along with your localizable files, we also provide useful metadata files in several formats that you can use to introduce caching logic, automatic language selectors and even correctly handling plurals for different languages.

Pricing #️⃣

See localization CDN pricing for more information.

Cache #️⃣

It can take up to 30 minutes for all changes to be propagated across all points of presence of Localazy CDN. The mechanism for publishing translations on CDN works in the way described below:

  1. New translations made on the Localazy platform are sent to the publishing queue 5 minutes after the last change.
  2. Publishing queue is processed in up to 5 minutes, depending on the load. Usually, it takes only a few seconds.
  3. 15 minutes is the time it takes to invalidate cache across all points of presence and distribute the latest changes.

The above process is in place to optimize the performance and ensure reliability of the Localazy platform and CDN for all users.

If it takes more than 30 minutes to see changes in the CDN files, please check that your project is not over limit and that CDN is enabled for the project. Contact us in case you experience a longer delay.