How much does Localazy CDN cost per month?

Your Localazy CDN usage costs will depend on consumed resources every month. We count the number of HTTPS requests, the volume of data transferred, and how many times your changes were published across the network.

If your translation file has ~20 kB, you make 50 changes during the course of the month, and our CDN delivers it to 10,000 users per month, the total cost will be as follows:

  • Data transfers (10,000 * 20kB) * $0.5/GB = $0.095
  • HTTPS requests (10,000 / 1000) * $0.005 = $0.05
  • File management 50 * $0.01 = $0.5

Total price per month: $0.645

Learn more about the pricing structure of Localazy CDN in the documentation.

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