What are the benefits of Localazy CDN?

There are several benefits to using Localazy CDN. Let’s view the Localazy CDN from the perspective of developers, users, and, most importantly, yourself.

Saves time for developers #️⃣

Automation saves your development team precious time. Localazy CDN effectively shortens the release cycle and reduces the room for error because it takes one of the variables out of the equation! Once you have everything set up, you won’t have to worry about releasing new languages into your online product.

Localazy CDN is also compatible with different releases of your localizable files in Localazy. All your release tags are automatically available so that you can serve the fresh files for your testing, and once you are sure of their quality, you can push them to production.

Instant worldwide coverage for your users #️⃣

Serve your users freshly translated content in a matter of minutes. All changes published in Localazy will propagate across all CDN points of presence in minutes. Users are always served the file from the closes geographical location, making the load times shorter and the experience more seamless.

Scales with your project and saves you time and money #️⃣

Our CDN is built on proven and scalable technologies, so you don’t need to worry about whether you have ten or ten million users. You can start using the CDN for under $1/month and always keep track of your costs on the dashboard. We serve terabytes of data and hundreds of millions of requests monthly. Localazy CDN is infinitely scaleable and grows with your business.

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