What is Localazy language CDN?

Localazy Language CDN is a specialized type of CDN, built on Amazon AWS technologies. Our CDN is designed to facilitate the fast and efficient delivery of localized files to users worldwide. This service utilizes multiple data centers located in various parts of the world, ensuring minimal latency in delivering localized files.

One of the standout features of Localazy CDN is its ability to dynamically update translations without having to download and update translation files with every change. This means that as soon as new translations are available, they can be instantly delivered to users. So you can fix a translation error or add a missing translation without needing to recompile and re-release the entire application.

Furthermore, Localazy Language CDN supports Over-the-Air (OTA) updates. This allows for delivering updated content directly into mobile applications without the need for downloading and installing updates.

In addition, Localazy CDN provides additional metadata that allows for the creation of fully automated localization solutions managed directly within Localazy. These metadata can be very useful for developers who want to automate and simplify their localization processes.

For more information about Localazy CDN, you can check out the Localazy documentation.

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