As a CMO, it's important to ensure that your company's messaging is clear, concise, and effective. In today's fast-paced, competitive business environment, your message shouldn't be "lost in translation." It needs to resonate with your target audience.

In this article, we'll provide five actionable tactics to improve your company's messaging and make it more resonant. These will help you create clear and effective messaging that will help your company stand out and achieve its goals.


🤓 Understand Your Audience 🔗

To start with a clear understanding of your audience, it's important to research who they are, their needs and preferences thoroughly, and what motivates them. This can include gathering information through surveys, focus groups, market research, and analyzing data on your audience's demographics, behaviors, and interests.

From there, tailor your messaging to their specific needs and preferences. This can include using language and tone that resonates with them, addressing their pain points and challenges, and highlighting the benefits and value that your company can provide to them.


This step enables you to create more relevant, engaging, and effective messaging. It can help you build stronger connections with your audience and increase the chances that your message will be well-received.

🤞 Keep It Simple 🔗

When it comes to creating messaging that is crystal clear, simplicity is key. It's important to avoid jargon or complex language that your audience may need help understanding, as this can make your message difficult to follow and potentially lead to confusion or misunderstandings.

Instead, strive to use language that is easy to understand. This can include using everyday words and avoiding technical or industry-specific terms unless necessary for your message.

In addition, it's important to avoid using long sentences or overly complex sentence structures. Keep your sentences short, and use punctuation and white space effectively to help break up your message and make it easier to read and understand.

By keeping your message straightforward, you can improve its clarity and make it more effective at communicating your intended message to your audience. It can help ensure that your message is well-received, remembered, and has the desired impact.


👀 Show, Don't Tell 🔗

When crafting your message, using specific and concrete examples to illustrate your points is important. This can help your audience quickly understand your message and retain the information.

For example, rather than saying, "Our product is the best in the market," you could say, "Our product has won multiple awards and has a 99% customer satisfaction rate." Your message becomes more credible and persuasive when providing specific, concrete evidence to support your claim.

Besides using examples to support your points, you can also use anecdotes or stories to make your message more relatable and memorable. For instance, you could share a story about a customer who has successfully used your product or service and explain how it has helped them achieve their goals. By doing this, your audience will see the value of your product or service in a more personal and tangible manner.

Read an example of our customer success story: Case Study: 🚴 ROUVY's Tour de localization with Localazy

🤸‍♀️ Stay Active, Stay Present 🔗

Using active voice and present tense in your messaging can make it more engaging and easy to follow. In an active voice, the sentence's subject performs the action rather than the action being performed on the subject. For example, "the dog chased the cat" is in an active voice, while "the cat was chased by the dog" is in a passive voice.

Using active voice in your messaging can make it more direct and engaging, as it emphasizes the subject and the action they are taking. It can also make your message easier to understand, as it avoids the awkward and convoluted sentence structures that can sometimes result from using passive voice.

Besides using active voice, it's also important to use the present tense in your messaging. This means expressing your ideas and statements in the present moment rather than in the past or future. Present tense can make your message more immediate and engaging and help your audience connect with your message at the moment.

🎯 Avoid the Fluff 🔗

To ensure your messaging is crystal clear, it's important to avoid using too many words or long sentences. Using too many words or long sentences can make your message difficult to follow and potentially lead to confusion or misunderstandings.

To avoid this, strive to keep your message concise and to the point. This means using only the necessary words to convey your message and avoiding unnecessary details or filler words that don't add value to your message.

🔑 Clear Messaging Is Key 🔗

Effective and resonant messaging is essential for success in today's business environment. By following the five actionable steps outlined in this article, CMOs can improve their company's messaging and ensure that it is clear, concise, and compelling.


These strategies can help CMOs create messaging that resonates with their target audience and helps their company stand out from the competition. By implementing these strategies, CMOs can improve their company's messaging and help drive business success.

✔️ Conclusion 🔗

We hope you find the above tips useful and nothing is standing in your way of improving and practicing a crystal-clear form of communication.

If you'd like to start right now, we can recommend you prepare a style guide for your communication; this will greatly help you not only with keeping your messaging consistent but also help your translators once you decide to localize your business communication into multiple languages.

Another way of ensuring that the meanings of important terms and words remain consistent while localizing your products and marketing messages is to use the Glossary feature in Localazy.

Learn more about Glossary management in Localazy

Is there anything else you would recommend to your peers? Let us know in the comments!