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Localazy for Climate Research

Boost your climate action impact with localization

Shared Climate Strings

All of us share the same planet & the global climate. Let's share common strings for everything related to Climate action and research.

Shared Memory

Shared Memory

Join the shared climate strings project and use translations for your own project or help others make climate action accessible to multilingual audiences.


Localazy for Climate Research

Language localization can gain your nonprofit organization increased momentum especially if you are solving a problem which occurs across cultures. Language can be a huge barrier, but also an impact multiplier. Localazy is especially popular for nonprofit causes with software as a piece of their action set. Thanks to language localization of software, nonprofits can quickly expand to other phonetic markets & improve utilization of such software. That, eventually, causes increased momentum & attractiveness to donors as well.

Check out how Donar Online , Latin America’s most popular donation platform, uses Localazy on our blog:

Interview: Donar Online, the ultimate platform for non-profits in Latin America

Last updated: 22/09/2022

We believe that even a small company can go towards net-positivity. Doing our best where we can is the way for us. First, we do support OpenSource projects, educational institutions, environmental cases, all sorts of non profit organizationss where we do feel a common value fit. Second, we do support employment of people in countries where purchase power compared to ours is lower. These people are native speakers of their languages and we connect their unique value with global companies who would love to speak their language.

Third, as a localization platform, we serve as a multiplicator of positive impact especially for organizations and causes who aspire to be, or already are global. Role of language localization is huge.

Last updated: 10/11/2022

You can apply for startup plans and nonprofit plans. From time to time, we support causes in need with fully free plans, when our own operational budget allows. If you are for-profit company with net-positive goals at the center of your operations, kindly reach out to us via support to see how we can help each other.

The same applies to independent indie makers. If you believe your product does improve quality of life of any entity on this planet - whether it is a an animal, plant or human, please let us know, especially if your purchase parity does not allow you to fully enjoy Localazy experience.

Last updated: 10/11/2022

Yes, all source strings and their translations are released under OpenSource license and anybody can use them. All the language assets are available for download & fork via GitHub.

Last updated: 26/06/2023

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Localazy helps me create a friendly environment for my translation team.

"As the Scaleway dashboard engineering manager, I use Localazy to create a friendly environment for me and my translation team. If I have to recommend a tool to handle translations, I will talk about Localazy for sure!"

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Alexandre Philibeaux Engineering Manager
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Well designed tool with many features!

"We operate multiple complex websites with many languages. Before we switched to Localazy, managing and keeping all dictionaries up-to-date was pure hell. We can now easily review, manage, and keep all dictionaries up-to-date whenever we add or modify any functionality."

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Filip Kotora CTO RAILVIS
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Very powerful translation system with affordable cost!

"We looked for a solution that can cover several use cases across our project, and Localazy is a clear winner. Thanks to CLI tools, git and branching, and features, we could integrate Localazy with GitHub Actions for automated documentation translation delivery."

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Yuriy Andamasov CEO VyOS Inc
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Localazy greatly simplified the translation flow!

"We would recommend Localazy very much, especially for businesses with their own translation teams. It greatly simplified the translation flow."

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Adéla Flejšarová IT Project Manager at Mixit
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Localazy helped us streamline the localization process for 27 languages!

"Localazy has significantly streamlined our localization process, making it more efficient and organized. The ease of collaboration and the clear tracking of translation progress have been instrumental in improving our workflow."

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Manuel Radenkovic Managing Director of Behires Services GmbH
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Our developers love the set-and-forget philosophy of Localazy!

"Localazy is a really user-friendly platform. We enjoy combining our in-house people, automated professional translations, and crowdsourcing the translations from the community in one project without too much management needed to make everything work."

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Lukáš Tóth Product Manager at Rouvy
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Good pricing, good UI and ultimately does its job.

"I'd recommend Localazy to other peers in my industry. It offers good pricing, has a good UI and ultimately does its job. Being able to find missing translations and easily use machine translations is very smart."

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Lasse Melbye CTO & Co-Founder at Customers 1st
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The customer care is awesome!

"Adding Localazy to our workflow was really easy. We appreciate the simplicity, as well as the ability to use keyboard shortcuts to speed things up. And the customer care is awesome, which we love."

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Mário Roženský CEO of SupportBox
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