The Virtual Translator is out of the beta stage with a new UI and supports professional translations now. We have released two new CLI add-ons, and the CLI itself received a huge developer experience update. You can now also manage your localizable files directly in the Localazy UI. Plus some backlog fixes, as usual. 😉 So, let's get to it!

💬 Share your ideas and join the discussion 🔗

Before we get to the exciting stuff, we must thank you, our users, for helping us make Localazy better for everyone. You are our greatest inspiration. We love reading your stories and hearing your feedback. Join our shiny new place to share your ideas, discuss interesting news and engage in off-topic discussion with fellow Localazians. Join our Discourse now at

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🤖 The new Virtual Translator is here! 🔗

We are proud to announce that the Virtual Translator is now officially out of the beta stage and open for business! Focus on what’s important and use Virtual Translator to automatically translate and review your project to selected languages.

Virtual Translator is a service offered by our Continuous Localization Team. Learn more in the documentation.

Now, you can choose between human-assisted machine translation or professional translations. The Virtual Translator is ready to help you translate your app even faster.

At the moment, Virtual Translator offers over 20 language pairs. No worries, more are coming in the future! The new version also offers a more granular configuration with the possibility to configure projects, languages, and operations separately with more details now available to you about pricing, estimations, etc.

Are you ready to take your translation game to the next level? Set up your Virtual Translator now and enjoy localization on auto-pilot. Do you have any questions or ideas? Feel free to contact us or start a thread in the forum. 😉

🧰 Major CLI developer experience update 🔗

If you already use Localazy, you know the CLI very well. It’s a powerful weapon, and to make your life with the Localazy CLI tool even easier, we introduce a major update.

What’s new?

  • CLI now comes with colors! Fancy!
  • Full support for release tags
  • Support for our global localization CDN
  • Support for file format conversions
  • Possibility to change working directory with a command-line option
  • Synchronous (wait for data to be imported) and asynchronous mode
  • Improved error reporting
  • Added forceCurrent option to skip review process for existing translations
  • Fixed several minor bugs and issues
  • Added support for managing files

🏷️ Manage your translations with Release Tags 🔗

Developing software is an iterative process, and using the latest ever-changing version of your translations in a production or staging environment may not be a good idea. To help you streamline your workflow, we have added the Release Tags feature available as a set of CLI commands.

Release Tags are available with the Professional plan and higher.

🔄 Format Conversions 🔗

Another CLI goodie. Activate the Professional plan to get the Format Conversions feature and seamlessly output your translations in many different formats. Helpful for simultaneous multiplatform development or instant translation sharing between the backend and frontend of your project.


📝 Browse your files in Localazy 🔗

In your app menu, you will find a new tab called File management. Here, you can see your localizable files and browse your source phrases contained in the files. The file management interface is now in beta and we are working on the next iteration which will bring more features soon.

🗃️ From the backlog 🔗

  • LOC-2196 - Improvement: Replace v-dialog with custom modal
  • LOC-2370 - Fixed: User banned from a project shouldn’t encounter error 500
  • LOC-407 - Removed irrelevant text for a contributor with translator role in empty Glossary

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