Localazy already comes with a highly accurate shared translation memory (ShareTM), allowing you to obtain instant translations of up to 50% of your texts into 80 languages for free.

But what about the rest?

Here comes another simple solution from Localazy labs 🥼. The Virtual Translator, a service offered by our Continuous Localization Team. How does it work?

Enabling Virtual Translator for your project will regularly scan for new texts that need translation and automatically translate them into selected languages. It’s an affordable and simple way to introduce continuous localization to your workflow without any effort.

Virtual Translator is a human-assisted machine translation 🔗

Using a bare machine translation engine is free as far as you do not consider your time and quality assurance. However, in the software localization domain, you will soon find out that many of those translations are just not the right fit. For example, the word “book” is usually considered by MT engines as a piece of literature, while in software, the more common meaning is a reservation, e.g., booking a room. The challenge of choosing the right translation proposed by an MT is nearly impossible if your target language uses exotic characters you don't even know how to even read.

⏳ Virtual Translator saves your time 🔗

Why spend your time on tasks you can automate, delegate or cut out of your workflow? Virtual Translator does it all!

💰 Virtual Translator saves your money 🔗

According to Proz, the average cost of professional translation in general domain per word starts at $0.10 per word. With Localazy, you can cut the price by 50%. How is that possible? VT is a human-assisted machine translation, cutting the need for time-consuming human work (translating from scratch) with the priority of faster progress, keeping the reasonable quality on the eye. It is perfect if you want to quickly populate new language while keeping the costs at a reasonable level.

Cost/value translation with a human touch 🔗

Hiring a professional translator on your own costs some significant amount of money, not mentioning the management overhead. For a fraction of cost on your side, the Virtual Translator will translate your app on a best-effort basis.

Purpose of the Virtual Translator translation service is fast iteration. Suppose you need just translation to start and review it later. In that case, Virtual Translator will help you get your app translated to 100% at a fraction of cost.

💂 Virtual Translator protects your attention span 🔗

What is worse than losing your attention? Switching context is very expensive and productive people hate it. On the other side, not paying attention to these will drop your productivity as well. Focus on building your product and let Localazy do the work you might prefer to outsource.

Most people wear a lot of hats every day. Your title might be “senior developer” but you’re also “pseudo-project manager,” “part-time designer” and “chief of inbox relations.” In our own research, we found that software developers spend just 41% of their time each day doing… well, software development.

Source: rescuetime.com

Other ways Localazy can help you 🔗

The Virtual Translator is only a part of what our Continuous Localization Team can do for you. You can also choose the Virtual Reviewer or order our stellar Professional Translations.

Continuous Localization Team configuration

Contributor-sourced translation review automation with a human touch 🔗

The review process can be a tedious job if you have a lot of texts to go through from your volunteers or other contributors. Virtual Reviewer will do the job for you. There is a real person who keeps an eye on your translations and makes sure they are good enough to go by checking context, placeholders and consistency.

One-click Professional translations 🔗

When quality is of essence and you fear that Virtual Translator & Reviewer won't satisfy your needs, you can just flip the switch and order professional translations directly from Localazy. By enabling this option, you’ll get translations crafted by language professionals who Localazy carefully selected.

You’ll get rid of the excessive file handling and submitting files to translation agencies. Everything is handled automatically and integrated with Localazy.

Get more languages done today 🔗

If you want to stop worrying about localization of your project, go ahead and set up your own mix of continuous localization services by Localazy. If you have any questions, or find that your desired language is missing from the service, feel free to contact us.

Tip: With our paid plans, you can get free translation credits to get your project translated. Learn more on our pricing page.