How to translate software using API

Formally, to get a document translated into other languages, all you had to do, was send it to a translation office and receive the translation within a few days in exchange for a fee. When speaking of translating software, the process is different. 😅

Software programs are written in programming languages that translators don’t understand. Considering that even a simple comma can ruin the entire software’s functionality, no programmer likes having translators put their hands on the code.

So, translating software without hazards requires content to be separated from the code. You can translate your software by extracting the content into separate files (e.g., JSON, XLIFF, XML, etc.) and then sending it to translators.

An even better way to do it is to use a translation management system, such as Localazy, which takes care of the translation process and seamlessly integrates with your software. Making updates and working with professional translators on sophisticated software is not difficult and maybe even enjoyable with Localazy. Localazy also offers 50+ integrations, and one of them is an API that you can use to exchange data between your app and Localazy and handle everything programmatically.

Localazy API integrates into your software to remove the need to deal with translation files outside the development once and for all.

Besides rapid updates, what makes using our API exceptional are multiple possible integrations and the human touch offered by real translators when you go for the Continuous Localization Team services. 😉

Further reading #️⃣

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