Settings Tab

There’s a couple of optional available for users to adjust the Download to Localazy action.

Sync translatable fields with export? #️⃣

The integration uses Storyblok’s export API endpoint to process the stories in your Storyblok project. Data available in the export result might not be synced with the Translatable setting in the field setup (see the screenshot below).

The Exclude from export field is crucial for the content transfer. It defines which data fields will appear in the exported content that gets transferred to Localazy.

Therefore, if checked, the integration provides an automated way of syncing the Exclude from export and Translatable settings to ensure that only the content set as Translatable is transferred to Localazy. A synchronization happens before every Download to Localazy action.

Again, this will ensure that all your untranslatable fields are excluded from the story export. And vice-versa, it ensures that every translatable field is included in the story export.

Translatable Setup in a Storyblok Space

Download existing localized entries? #️⃣

If checked, every download to Localazy will also transfer the existing localizations to Localazy, not just the one in the Default language. Note that it’s important to follow ISO 639 while defining a language code in Storyblok.

Set Storyblok as source of truth? #️⃣

If this option is active, downloading to Localazy will set all downloaded translations as the current version. By default, Localazy doesn’t overwrite existing current versions for translations and lets you decide through the review process. This option can be handy when you want to quickly edit a translation in the Storyblok administration without looking it up in Localazy.