
Agile is a project management philosophy for software development based on a series of iterative, cross-functional, and self-organizing practices designed to find solutions collaboratively.

Agile practices are derived from a number of software development frameworks, like Scrum and Kanban, and can be traced back to iterative and adaptive models developed from the 70s onwards.

Sprints (or iterations), daily stand-ups, transparency policies and continuous integration techniques are applied throughout the process to allow the product to evolve quickly and minimize risks.

The agile principles were outlined in 2001 in the The Agile Manifesto, signed by 17 software developers lead by American engineer Kent Beck. In the manifesto, the group highlighted four core agile points:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  • Responding to change over following a plan.

Since then, the agile methodology has been expanded, taught & tested in different industries aside from software developement.

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