We strive to continuously improve all aspects of Localazy to help you localize your projects more efficiently and effortlessly. Read on to find out what was improved in the latest release. 🎉

🎛️ Manage Releases in UI 🔗

We are happy to introduce a new interface for Releases management in the Localazy UI. This feature was previously available only via CLI. In our effort to make our features more accessible to all users, we have decided it is the right time to implement a user-friendly way to work with releases in the UI directly.

You can now manage translation Releases from the Localazy UI

Releases are snapshots of your translations. With Releases, you can create and store the current state of your translations in time, pick which changes should be published into existing releases, and download them through supported integrations to use different versions in different environments.

The most common use case for Releases is to lock the state of production translations before adding new strings for translations.

📚 Learn more about Releases in the documentation

🛠️ Revamped project settings 🔗

We have changed our settings and added more options for customization in both machine translations and the translation interface fields. One of the new features is the ability to choose the tone of voice for your project, which is then recognized by the supported MT engines.

New Localazy Project Settings

⚠️ COMING SOON: Now, it is also possible to choose multiple languages available as a source for translations and reviews. This feature is not available in the translation interface yet, but feel free to set it up in advance 😅

A very popular use case is using Developer English as the primary source and then using English as the production language. With this option, you can use English as the preferred language for translation to other languages instead of Developer English.  

🍔 New Navigation 🔗

As Localazy continues to expand its features and accommodate more use cases, we have updated our navigation to reflect this growth. We have organized certain items into easily discoverable categories and improved accessibility for others.

New Localazy project navigation

⏳ Progress indication of long-running tasks 🔗

We've added a new type of notification which tracks the progress of long-running tasks such as pre-translate and batch approve/review. Once the task finishes, you'll get notified about the result.

📚 To learn more about the technical background of these notifications, read the article: Test Alerts using STOMP over WebSocket in Cypress E2E Tests

🔍 Improved search in similar strings 🔗

In the previous release, the context tabs were improved to show comments across languages, and a new search in similar strings across the project was added. In this update, we have completed a follow-up, and our indexing algorithm has been enhanced for better performance.


✔️ Conclusion 🔗

And that's all for today! Explore the new possibilities of Localazy and help us improve the platform! Send us your thoughts on the new, improved interface and features, and let us know what you think about our direction. Feel free to reach out via the support chat or discuss the new update in the comments below!

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