Directus Localization plugin by Localazy - Overview screen

Localazy connection #️⃣

Status indicator telling you whether your Directus project is connected, not connected, or connecting to Localazy. On the right side are icons to refresh the connection to Localazy and an icon link that will take you to your connected Localazy project.

Directus Source language #️⃣

The main language of your Directus content, which is defined in the Project Setup page

Localazy Source language #️⃣

Source language of your Localazy project, which you have defined during the project creation.

Organization keys #️⃣

The number of the used and total amount of organization source keys.

The plugin’s usage is restricted by the number of keys available in the project’s organization in Localazy. If the organization is over the limit, translations won’t download.

Languages overview #️⃣

The overview table lists a comparison table of all the languages in your Directus project and the connected Localazy project. There are multiple statuses that each Present in Localazy/Directus column may display:

  • a check icon means that the language is present. If it’s followed by mapped to “language” label, the languages in Localazy and Directus have been matched after format conversion (e.g. en-US to en_US and vice versa).
  • a cross icon represents the absence of the language.
  • crossed eye icon with Disabled label appears for languages present in Localazy that are hidden. Hidden languages in the default configuration are not synced to Directus.
  • error icon with Unknown Localazy language label means that Localazy does not recognize the given language defined in Directus. Use locale codes in ISO 639 standard to prevent this error.