Prerequisites #️⃣

Installation via NPM #️⃣

The plugin can be installed via NPM. Run npm i @localazy/directus-extension-localazy in the root of your project.

Once installed, navigate to Settings -> Project Settings -> Modules and enable the Localazy module. Article Image

Running in Docker #️⃣

If you run Directus via Docker, the easiest way to include extensions is to extend the official’s Directus image with your own.

Below is an example for Directus version 10.6.1, but you may replace the version with any other that the Directus team has released on Docker hub

FROM directus/directus:10.6.1

USER root
RUN corepack enable \
  && corepack prepare [email protected] --activate \
  && chown node:node /directus

USER node
RUN pnpm install @localazy/directus-extension-localazy@latest

For Directus version 9.x, the setup looks a little different. Below is an example for Directus version 9.25.0.

FROM directus/directus:9.25.0

USER root
RUN corepack enable && corepack prepare [email protected] --activate

USER node
RUN npm install @localazy/directus-extension-localazy@latest

Once you’ve released a Docker image with the desired version, replace the target image in the docker-compose.yml file with it. We maintain some versions ourselves with the Localazy plugin, including the one from the example above. To run that image, you would adjust the docker-compose file like this.

    image: localazy/directus:9

Support #️⃣