Additional settings

Automated upload to Localazy #️⃣

When enabled, newly created and updated entries in Directus will trigger synchronization of all the enabled translatable content for the given entry.

Automated deprecation of Localazy source keys on deletion #️⃣

When enabled, deleted entries in Directus will trigger an automated deprecation of related Localazy source keys.

We recommended turning this feature on as it’s undesireable to translate content that no longer exists in your Directus database.

Source language synchronization #️⃣

Choose whether to import source language content from Localazy to Directus. When enabled, your source language content in Directus will be replaced by the content in Localazy.

This option is recommended when you wish to make modifications to the source language directly from Localazy to make use of assistive localization features.

However, we generally recommend against importing the source language from Localazy to keep Directus as the only Source of Truth. Instead, we recommend choosing some source language you won’t use in the production and only use languages translated in Localazy as user-facing languages.

For example, frequently, users choose Developer English as the source language in Localazy and then translate (i.e., proofread) into production-ready English. This way, you benefit from having a Single Source of Truth while reviewing the content with translation assistive tools Localazy offers.

Export translations from Directus #️⃣

When enabled, all the translations of your Directus content will be uploaded to Localazy.

We recommend turning this option on for the initial synchronization of your existing translated content. Afterward, you should turn it off to speed up the export process and only manage translations from Localazy.

Empty values #️⃣

Select whether to export fields with empty values to Localazy. By default, your entries with empty fields are not exported to Localazy since there isn’t anything to translate.

Synchronize Localazy languages #️⃣

Choose whether to create languages in Directus that exist only in Localazy. There are multiple synchronization options.

Create non-hidden missing languages in Directus. Create only languages that are not hidden in Localazy.

Create all missing languages in Directus. Create all missing languages, including the hidden ones.

Don’t create missing languages in Directus. Missing languages are not synchronized. To support such languages in your Directus project, you must manually add them to the languages collection.