Before exporting content to Localazy, you must generate and fill in the Localazy access token and select the primary language for your Directus content.

Project Setup

Localazy token #️⃣

This access token connects your Directus project with the one you’ve created in Localazy. Head to Localazy’s Developers console, look up the target project, and click on the key icon to generate an access token.

Generate access token

Languages collection #️⃣

The name of the languages collection where you define available languages for your Directus content. If you don’t have such a collection yet, please consult the Directus official guide on content translations, where they provide information on how to set up your content for localization.

Language code field #️⃣

A field representing the ISO 639 locale of the given language (e.g. en for English). If you use a different locale code standard, we may not be able to match the language with one of the languages Localazy supports.

Source language #️⃣

The primary language of your Directus content. Although it can be different from the source language of your Localazy project, we recommend choosing the same language for clarity.