
Selenium is a browser automation tool, helping you test your websites and applications using real browsers in real-time.

Selenium is a browser automation tool, helping you test your websites and applications using real browsers in real-time. It’s an open-source, cross-platform framework for automating web browsers across many platforms.

It also gives you a single interface to write test scripts in many programming languages like Python, Ruby, NodeJS, Java, PHP, C#, Perl, etc.

Testing in different languages is necessary when developing multilingual web applications. Localization testing using Selenium WebDriver is performed to determine whether the language version is displayed correctly and everything is translated in the right way.

Selenium WebDriver is a helpful tool for localization testing in web application internationalization.

Here are some benefits of using Selenium to test content in multiple languages;

  • It is helpful to write scalable test code that can be extended to other locales or regions.
  • Subsequent releases and tests to handle other locales will save time in the long run. Please be aware that, for example, if you’re running a test for the application, you’ll have to run this test separately for every country version of the application.

You can learn more about Selenium and Selenium WebDriver on the official website.