How to translate JSON files?

You can translate JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files with the assistance of machine translation engines (such as Google Translator) and copy-paste the results into your text editor. But this translation option is time-consuming and inefficient.

Considering that JSON is one of the most lightweight data interchange formats, working with it is pretty handy. And the best way to translate JSON files is to use an online translation service, such as Localazy. Localazy serves as TMS and localization suite to help you translate your JSON files effectively. With its help, you can translate multilingual JSON files, JSON5 files, or HJSON files and integrate a Translation Management System (TMS) into your workflow.

To translate JSON files using the Localazy interface, sign up for free and create a new translation project. Once you upload your JSON file, you can add the target language, start translating, and then download the translated files with ease. You can even pre-translate the whole file in JSON format by applying machine translations in bulk. This and many other features make Localazy the ideal tool to produce professional translations.

Localazy is a state-of-the-art translation management platform and localization suite to help you translate your JSON files effectively. Learn more in the Getting Started Guide.

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