How to save on translations of duplicate content?

When translating content, it’s common to encounter duplicate phrases or sentences. Translating these duplicates multiple times not only consumes valuable time and resources but also risks inconsistencies in translations. Here are some strategies to save on translations of duplicate content:

Use Key Clustering: Key Clustering automatically identifies and groups keys with identical values, eliminating the need to translate the same content multiple times. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures consistency across translations.

Leverage Duplicity Linking: Duplicity Linking allows you to link multiple keys with the same content. When one key is translated, all linked keys are automatically updated with the new translation. This reduces the time spent on translating duplicate content.

Utilize Machine Translations (MT): Machine Translations can provide initial translations for your content, which can then be reviewed and refined by human translators. This can speed up the translation process and reduce costs.

Remember, the key to saving on translations of duplicate content is to leverage the right tools to streamline the translation process and ensure consistency across all translations.

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