Read about the experience of Puru Choudhary, founder and CEO of Terminus App, UTM URL builder used by leading companies worldwide.

Tracking, analysis and optimization is a key 🔗

Mobile app marketing can be tricky enough for single developers who focus on app development. App promotion and marketing can be a daunting activity which requires a lot of attention. Moreover, the campaign tracking & optimization process has to be in place from the very start. There is no other ideal time than before you start to gain traction. While there are a plethora of in-app analysis tools such as Amplitude, AppMetrica and business intelligence tools such as AppAnnie, campaign management impact on the app success is sometimes underestimated.

How can UTM campaign parameters help with the globalization of mobile apps? 🔗

Many mobile app developers and owners do realize the importance of product globalization to increase their app market share. Part of the globalization strategy is localization for different locations, cultures, languages, including marketing. However, many single mobile app developers can not afford localization teams, and they have to decide on how to approach the app localization itself carefully.

One can get easily lost in all different app flavors, microsites, promotion channels and campaigns. Information management is crucial not only for a broad overview but also for launching a robust marketing campaign. UTM parameters serve as a carrier to provide information for analytic tools. Once you have correct data in the analytic tool, you are halfway to desired results.

Terminus is proven by giants

What should be the primary concern of any single app developer who would like to manage promotion campaigns effectively? 🔗

It is so easy to say for yourself: Hey, I will start the campaign now and later on, I will see how it can be improved — one of the most dangerous misconceptions. Campaign attribution data are crucial to the campaign success from the very start; otherwise, you are blind, and your critical decisions are based only on guesswork.

Because Firebase Dynamic Links do not support custom campaign attribution on their own, you will need to pass your data to Google Analytics with proper campaign attribution parameters. And here Terminus App comes to help manage consistency of your parameter settings. A common practice was to manage all of those in sheets, but nowadays, the best practice is using a proper UTM builder, like Terminus App.

Is Terminus App ready to serve single customers, or do you focus on teams? 🔗

While it is capable of serving large companies who organize their campaigns across many different countries, Terminus App UTM Builder is great also for single users. Just give a try to our personal account, and you will see for yourself. There is rich documentation to learn the ropes quickly, and you can use just the essential features to quickly lift-off your campaign tracking.

How to start tracking campaign UTMs with Terminus App? 🔗

The process is pretty straightforward if you need to start with essential settings. Find out more about TerminusApp in the video below or in the UTM hub, where you will find all information necessary about UTM tracking.

Terminus UTM Builder Quick Demo and Features Overview

Does Terminus App also work on mobile devices? 🔗

Of course, Terminus App is responsive and ready to serve.

You have some great clients using the product. How did it happen to have such success? Maybe you have rich prior experience in digital marketing? 🔗

I don’t have any formal background in digital marketing. I studied circuit design and then switched to become a software engineer. I’m still a software engineer and do a lot of coding for Terminus. I realized there was a potential in creating a formal UTM URL building solution and worked towards it for many years. Terminus was launched in early 2014, but most of the growth has happened in the last 2 years.

Localazy audience is full of developers. Would you like to share your tech stack so they can see what is under the hood? 🔗

Terminus App uses Ruby on Rails as the main framework. Some of the frontend parts use React, Webpacker, Jquery, HAML, SASS, etc. It’s hosted on Amazon Web Services.

Do you have API access available? 🔗

There is no API available at this moment.

Your app can be less affordable for single developers, especially those who wait for their app to skyrocket. Is there any option for them to make Terminus App more accessible? 🔗

Our plans start at only $29/month. Also, users can publish an honest review of Terminus App, and receive six months of use entirely for free. Just contact me, and we can talk about it.

How can your users calculate ROI of purchasing your app? How would you recommend them to use Terminus App to get the most out of it, ideally in a way that the tool will pay for itself? 🔗

Time and energy units of every single human are limited. Ask yourself what the price of your working hour is. What is the cost of switching attention? Then you will probably find out that having a precise, consistent data will save your time, energy and focus. You will optimize your campaign effectiveness. Money saved is money earned. However, if you are on a shoestring budget as many startups are, get your account, go to pricing, and in the footer, you will find a notice to contact me.

UTM parameters infographic