How to order Professional Translations in Localazy?

To order professional translations, sign up and upload your source texts to Localazy. We recommend you use one of the native integrations or getting your project connected with help from your developers to ensure a seamless experience. But you can start by simply uploading your files via the web interface.

After you upload your source texts to Localazy, activate the Professional Translations by following these steps:

  1. Select the language(s) you want to get translated. If you can’t find a match for your language pair, please contact us.
  2. Choose Professional Translations and turn the service on by clicking on the toggle button.
  3. Check the estimated total cost of the selected services in the top right corner of the order screen and top up your credits by clicking on the + Increase button.
  4. Click on the Place order button.

Please carefully read the terms and conditions to learn what you can expect after enabling the service.

After you order the translation services of your choice, our localization manager will contact you to confirm your order. Once the translation process is finished, or your credits are depleted, you will receive an e-mail notification.

When everything is translated, leave the services enabled, and Localazy will regularly scan for any new texts or changes and automatically translate them into the selected languages.

Read the Ultimate Guide to Localazy Translation Services on the blog.

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