Import to Localazy #️⃣

Import source key and other existing languages translations to Localazy.

Input Fields #️⃣

There’ s couple of static Input Fields specifiing the options of the import. Languages fields are calculated dynamically based on the languages added to the connected project.

Static Input Fields

Label Type Required Description Key
File name string no Name of the file to import. If not specified, zapier.json will be used. fileName
File path string no Path to the file to import. If not specified, will be empty. filePath
File format list of string no Select file format. Contains a list of possible file formats to select from. If not selected, ‘json’ will be used. fileFormat
Source key string yes The key of the string. sourceKey
Filter source boolean yes Do not import translations that are the same as the source language content. Defaults to true. filterSource
Import as new boolean yes Import all translations to go through the review process. Useful when you are unsure about their quality and want to do extra check. Defaults to false. importAsNew
Force current boolean yes Import all translations and set them as the current version. By default, Localazy doesn’t overwrite existing current versions for translations and let you decide through the review process. Defaults to false. forceCurrent
Force source boolean yes Overwrite the source language translations even if there are existing human changes. This option is useful when the source of truth is not Localazy and it’s required to always synchronize the source language translations. Defaults to false. forceSource

Dynamic Input Fields

The following table shows the Dynamic Input Fields for a project that has English as a source language and Czech and Polish languages added.

Label Type Required Description Key
English string false Import text in English (en) en
Czech string false Import text in Czech (cs) cs
Polish string false Import text in Polish (pl) pl

For the language Input Field to appear it’s important to have the language added to the connected project.

Plurals are not being handled.

Output Fields #️⃣

The Import to Localazy Create is considered as a final step and therefore does not have any Output Fields.