How to translate Rise 360 courses with Localazy?

To translate your Articulate Rise 360 course content, follow these steps:

  1. Duplicate Your Content: Duplicate the content you want to translate. Each duplicate becomes a translated version. For multiple languages, create a copy for each.

  2. Export Content as XLIFF: Open the duplicate content, navigate to Settings > Translations, and export as an XLIFF file. We recommend you include the HTML formatting. Save the file to your computer.

  3. Export Labels as XLIFF: Open the content you want to edit, then click Settings in the upper right corner of the screen, and select the Labels tab.

  4. Upload All XLIFF Files to Localazy: Sign up, create a project and upload your files to Localazy.

  5. Translate with Localazy: Add the languages you want to translate your courses into. You can now translate your course content and labels using the available tools in Localazy, invite your team or order professional translations directly inside the platform.

  6. Download Translated XLIFF Files: Once your translations are finished, go to the File Management section in Localazy and click Export & Download to save the translated files on your device.

  7. Import Translated Files Back to Rise 360: Open the duplicate content you created in Step 1, go to Settings > Translations, and import the translated XLIFF file. Address any errors, ensuring the file matches the original content. For labels, go to the drop-down list at the top of the label editor, click Upload from XLIFF and choose the respective files.

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