Can I merge two duplicate source keys so they can share the same translation?

Sure! If you can’t or don’t want to rename the keys to use the same name in the source integration, you can use the Duplicity Linking feature when you don’t want to alter the source, so the keys will share their translations.

Localizing a large project can result in creating duplicated keys, which becomes hard to manage, especially when multiple teams work on the same project. Localazy offers a solution called Duplicity Linking that allows you to reuse translations across linked keys in all languages and even across several projects.

Duplicity Linking is available in the Business plan

The feature links multiple different keys with the same content, with one source key acting as the content source and the others as the linked keys. The linked keys retain their own values and translations, but when the link is active, and their translation value is retrieved, the content source key value is used instead for all languages. Removing the link restores the linked key to its original behavior.

You can learn more in the article: Keep your duplicate strings under control with the Duplicity Linking feature

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