How to delete a language from my Localazy project?

You can either disable or delete a language if you no longer need it.

Disabling a language hides it from the translation interface but retains all translations and keys. On the other hand, deleting a language completely removes it from the project, optionally including all translations, keys, and associated metadata.

To delete a language in Localazy:

  1. Go to the language list of your project and use the three dots menu next to the language you want to delete.
  2. Hover your cursor over the three dots to reveal several options, including the “Delete language” option.
  3. Click and confirm.

It’s important to note that deleting a language is permanent and can’t be undone. It’s recommended to double-check and ensure that the language deletion is intentional and necessary. Disabling a language may be a better option if you are unsure whether you’ll need the language in the future.

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