How to change the source language of my project in Localazy?

To change the source language of your project in Localazy, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Project Settings - General Settings
  2. Scroll down to Advanced Settings
  3. Find the field Project source language and click on the ✏️ pencil icon.

Localazy project settings - advanced settings

A modal window appears asking you how and to which language you would like to change the source language.

You have two options here.

Set another fully translated language as the new source #️⃣

Select this option if you already have another language that is fully translated and you want to swtich its place with the current source language. You can choose any fully translated language in your project and the previous source language will continue to be treated as the normal Localazy language.

Localazy - set another fully translated language as the new source

Transfer the current source content to a new source language #️⃣

Sometimes, it happens that your source files are in en_GB but you would like to use simply en while keeping the content intact. Select this option to preserve the current source content but change the source locale code.

You can either choose a blank language or an existing hidden language. When changing the source to a language that is currently hidden, its data is purged first.

Localazy - transfer the current source content to a new source language

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