Localazy comes with various quality assurance checks that alert translators that their translation is missing some important elements contained in the source texts. And, because machine translation is a very popular option, you can also filter translations using our QA filters to see which translations contain possible errors.

Missing placeholder #️⃣

A placeholder is a special set of characters that represents a variable and is replaced by the actual value programmatically.

It’s almost always incorrect not to include placeholders in the translation since it can potentially break the running program.


  • Source: This contains a Javascript {placeholder}
  • Translation This contains a different {substitute} placeholder

Missing HTML markup #️⃣

A HTML markup are special set of keywords that are used to build websites. The absence of such values in the translation is also almost always incorrect.


  • Source: This contains a <strong>HTML markup</strong>
  • Translation The translation does not

Over Translation Limit #️⃣

When a source has a defined limit of a maximum characters count, any translation that exceeds the limit will be marked as invalid.

Unmatches spaces #️⃣

There are three types of unmatched spaces.

  1. Unmatched leading spaces.

The number of spaces before the first character in source value differs from the number of spaces before the first character in translation. For demonstration purposes, the spaces are replaced with


  • Source: ␣␣␣This is preceded by 3 spaces
  • Translation: ␣This is preceded by 1 space only
  1. Unmatched trailing spaces

Similar to the unmatched leading spaces validation, only this validates the number of spaces after the last non-whitespace character.


  • Source: 3 spaces follow the last character␣␣␣
  • Translation: Only 1 space follows the last character␣
  1. Unmatched doubled spaces

The count of doubled spaces anywhere in the source value is different from the count of doubled spaces in the translation.


  • Source: This text␣␣contains␣␣doubled spaces twice
  • Translation: Translation␣␣contains␣␣doubled spaces␣␣three times

Unmatches new lines #️⃣

This validation fails whenever the structure of newlines in source value and translation differs. The validation doesn’t compare only the number of new lines characters, but also if their count between paragraphs is the same


  • Source
First paragraph is followed by 2 new lines
And is followed by 1 trailing newline
  • Translation
First paragraph is followed only by 1 new line
And does not end with trailing new line

Unmatched email addresses #️⃣

This validation checks whether the email addresses in both source value and translation are the same. If either source value or translation contains an email address the other doesn’t, the validation fails.

The validation only checks the presence of addresses, not the number of occurrences.


Unmatched URLs #️⃣

This validation checks whether the URLs in both source value and translation are the same. If either source value or translation contains an URL the other doesn’t, the validation fails.

The validation only checks the presence of addresses, not the number of occurrences.


  • Source: Source contains this https://secured.com address
  • Translation: Translations contains different http://insecure.net address

Unmatched numeric values #️⃣

The numeric validation compares the presence of numerical values in the source and translation. It takes numerical values from both source and translation and compares the count of occurrences of each number. If the count differs for any numerical value, the validation fails.

A numerical value is:

  • a regular number: 5, 232455, …
  • a number with space as thousands separator: 1 023, 1 455 689, …
  • a number with comma as thousands separator: 1,023, 1 455 689, …
  • a number with a dot as a decimal separator, e.g., 1.25 or 56.123

Unmatched trailing punctuation #️⃣

This validation checks a common mistake of omitting the last punctuation character. Punctuation characters are:

  • a dot .
  • a comma ,
  • an exclamation mark !
  • a question mark ?
  • a colon :
  • a semicolon ;


  • Source: This sentence doesn't end with any punctuation symbol
  • Translation: The translation does!

Unmatched first-letter case #️⃣

The following validation checks another common mistake of using different cases for the first letter in the translation.

If the language doesn’t recognize capital letters, this validation never fails


  • Source: The source value starts with capital T
  • Translation: the translation starts with lowercase t

Missing plural ‘other’ variant #️⃣

This validation works only for plural keys and for languages that support the other plural variant.

The other variant is commonly used as the fallback value if the other values, for some reason, aren’t available. It is therefore recommended to always provide the other plural variant if the target language supports it.