What should be included in a translation glossary?

A translation glossary should include a list of terms used in the Localazy project, related to the particular domain of knowledge and their definitions. It should also contain industry-specific terms and provide their clarification. The glossary should also provide some context for translators on the context of the term.

Don’t forget to include the following:

  • Product Names and Branding: Include translations for product names, trademarks, and branding elements to ensure consistency and accuracy in branding across different language versions.
  • Key Terminology: Start by listing the most important terms specific to the subject matter you’re translating. These could be industry-specific jargon, technical terms, or any words unique to the project or the field.
  • Term Description: Provide clear definitions for each term to ensure translators understand their precise meaning and usage in context.
  • Preferred Translations: If the term is not to be translated, specify it in the settings, if you want to translate it, include the preferred translations or equivalents for each term in the target language. This helps maintain consistency across all translations.
  • Contextual Usage: Provide examples on how each term should be used in different contexts. This helps translators understand the nuances of the term and use it appropriately.
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations: List any acronyms or abbreviations used in the source content along with their full meanings and translations.

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