Ubuntu Makes Flutter ‘Default Choice’ for Future Desktop Apps

Flutter will be the default choice for future mobile and desktop apps created by Canonical.

Ubuntu Makes Flutter ‘Default Choice’ for Future Desktop Apps - OMG! Ubuntu!


Flutter_slideable is a package that provides a slidable widget that lets your users swipe to reveal actions without a lot of hassle. Learn how to use this package and define your actions.

FlutterQuill — Rich Text Editor for Flutter

FlutterQuill is a rich text editor and a Quill component for Flutter.

This library is a WYSIWYG editor built for the modern mobile platform, with web compatibility under development.

flutter_quill | Flutter Package

Advantages of Using Dart on the Command Line

Dart has a much smaller community compared to JavaScript, is not as easy to use as Bash and Python and many libraries just don’t work as expected with Dart. Few people have been using it for less time.

5 Advantages of Dart Over JavaScript, Python, and Bash - DZone Web Dev

This package adds a Sidebar widget which is convenient for Web & Desktop.

sidebar_bigeagle | Flutter Package

Flutter Template Examples

Flutter Template Examples is a collection of widgets and animations with source code, all built with Flutter.

Flutter Template Examples - Apps on Google Play


A command-line tool that create Msix installer for your flutter windows-build files.


A Real Life Guide To Dart Sound Null Safety

On March 3, 2021 Flutter team unveiled Flutter 2 and Dart 2.12. Among other major changes a significant one is Sound Null Safety. This guide will help you migrate your code to Sound Null Safety.

  • by Debkanchan Samadder

A Real Life Guide To Dart Sound Null Safety

Announcing the new Rive

The Rive beta is here! The new Rive introduces team collaboration, a new editor with numerous UX improvements and features, and new native runtimes for Web, iOS, Android, Flutter, and C++. Sign up for the beta:

Rive - About Rive

Flutter Tutorial — Flutter Keys — Value Key (Johannes Milke)

With the Flutter Value Key, you can preserve the state of Stateful Widgets while they are moving around within your Widget tree.

How to code MapleStory | Flutter From Scratch

This game is built with Flutter from scratch!



Flutter package providing a variety of effects: Point Lights, Light Beams, Fire, Lightning bolts

eeffects | Flutter Package

Migrating a Flutter & Firebase app to Null Safety: A Case Study

Null Safety helps us eliminate an entire class of bugs in our Flutter apps.

As Flutter 2 is here, we can migrate our projects to Null Safety and make the most of it.

Migrating a Flutter & Firebase app to Null Safety: A Case Study

Flutter Tutorial — Cupertino Date Picker & Time Picker

Use the iOS Styled Cupertino Date Picker in Flutter to pick dates, times & also any other items.


SurveyKit: Create beautiful surveys with Flutter

Do you want to display a questionnaire to get the opinion of your users? A survey for a medical trial? A series of instructions in a manual-like style? SurveyKit is an Flutter library that allows you to create exactly that.


Flutter Advanced — Adding Dark Mode | Dynamic Theme using Provider

Let’s add multiple themes to our Flutter Application, the easy way using Providers

Flutter Advanced - Adding Dark Mode | Dynamic Theme using Provider


As an application project grows and becomes complex, it’s hard to keep your code and project structure mantainable and reusable. Modular provides a bunch of Flutter-suiting solutions to deal with this problem, like dependency injection, routing system and the “disposable singleton” system (that is, Modular disposes the injected module automatically as it is out of scope).

flutter_modular | Flutter Package

Portfolio Website in Flutter

Given the much-anticipated release of stable Flutter Web, I decided to build a portfolio website in Flutter. Additionally, it uses Firebase as a Content Management System.

Expert flutter developer for hire


LoginFresh helps you build a login easily with a friendly design, and very flexible for its construction.

login_fresh | Flutter Package

How to create a controller for a custom widget

You probably know the TextField widget and its TextEditingController, which provides the possibility for the developer to control the behavior of the input (e. g. react to a change or clear the current input). But what if you create your own custom widget? How is it possible to implement such a controller that provides the possibility to control the widget from the outside?

Creating a controller for a custom widget

Invoice Ninja v5 built with Google Flutter

7 years after coming online, open-source platform Invoice Ninja launches a new invoicing platform built with Laravel & Flutter.

Invoice Ninja v5 is Live! | Invoice Ninja

Flutter 101 Podcast: Codemagic with CEO Martin Jeret

We talked to Martin Jeret about Codemagic, CI/CD for mobile apps, and other challenges Flutter developers face.

Codemagic with CEO Martin Jeret | Flutter 101 Podcast

Expert Flutter Logging

Anybody can tell you how to cal a Logging API. Let’s do something a little different where I show you why you will call the logging API the way I say to as it pertains to keeping the app user secrets secret.

Expert Flutter Logging

Catch Flutter Application Exceptions

There are two buckets you have to get feedback to help improve app code. The first one used is obviously logging. The second bucket is when that rare application exception occurs.

Catch Flutter Application Exceptions


Cleanest way of representing UI state in a flutter widget.



A set of widgets that helps you to implement bottom navigation with a navigation history and a transition. Highly flexible and works fine with any kind of custom bottom navigation bar widgets.

bottom_navigation_builder | Flutter Package

Thanks for reading!